Hello all.
I should be in class right now but I was surprised by a visit from the handy man of the condos. He's here to fix the leak in our ceiling from all the rain last week. So, Rob doesn't want me to leave him here alone- neither do I. Although I do feel a little strange being here alone with him in the house. Oh well. I figured this would be a good time to update. When he leaves I'm going on a cleaning rampage, getting rid of everything I don't want, bring some clothes to Goodwill.
I can't believe how nice it is outside...high 60's, I wish it would stay like this.
's are finally getting along, I'm so happy. The first time we left them home alone I thought we would be returning to a blood bath.
Well the handyman just left. We now have a hole in the ceiling. Hope it doesn't rain again or we'll have a bigger leak to deal with.
Sunday is the big day...Rob is finally getting his back started. It's going to look awesome when it's finished.
So I was reading some journals before and saw that there was a New York City tattoo convention. Does anyone know anything about this? When? Where? Time? Let me know. I'd really like to go.
Rob's birthday is coming up! I keep reminding him. I can't wait until he sees what I got him, he's going to love it!
I know it.
Alright time for me to get my clean on...haha.
FYI: NYC Tattoo Convention May 13, 14, 15. Who's going to meet me there?
I should be in class right now but I was surprised by a visit from the handy man of the condos. He's here to fix the leak in our ceiling from all the rain last week. So, Rob doesn't want me to leave him here alone- neither do I. Although I do feel a little strange being here alone with him in the house. Oh well. I figured this would be a good time to update. When he leaves I'm going on a cleaning rampage, getting rid of everything I don't want, bring some clothes to Goodwill.
I can't believe how nice it is outside...high 60's, I wish it would stay like this.

Well the handyman just left. We now have a hole in the ceiling. Hope it doesn't rain again or we'll have a bigger leak to deal with.
Sunday is the big day...Rob is finally getting his back started. It's going to look awesome when it's finished.
So I was reading some journals before and saw that there was a New York City tattoo convention. Does anyone know anything about this? When? Where? Time? Let me know. I'd really like to go.
Rob's birthday is coming up! I keep reminding him. I can't wait until he sees what I got him, he's going to love it!

Alright time for me to get my clean on...haha.
FYI: NYC Tattoo Convention May 13, 14, 15. Who's going to meet me there?
It is very fortunate that that looks nothing like me now. Because if I still looked like th at, I would kill myself!!
Oh, wow, Cold Spring--cool