Whats up?
How was your day?
I went to Robs house this morning..We went and got bagels and bought Hailey a halloween costume...she looks so cute in it. I gotta tell yah, you have no idea how nervous i was when I met Hailey, what if she didnt like me? But now I know she does which puts me at ease.
It was the funniest thing, she had her costume on ( Belle from Beauty and the beast) and we were pretending we were at the ball, dancing around the living room. After that I had to go to work which sucked, I hate my job
But! Rob came over afterwards. i love him!
I really do. We went to barnes and noble to look at a few tattoo magazines, hes getting another one in a couple weeks and im getting my lip pierced, well either that or a monroe piercing. what do you think? Which one would you pick?
PS. I love you
We're getting married
I miss Fatale

How was your day?
I went to Robs house this morning..We went and got bagels and bought Hailey a halloween costume...she looks so cute in it. I gotta tell yah, you have no idea how nervous i was when I met Hailey, what if she didnt like me? But now I know she does which puts me at ease.

PS. I love you

Hey ur back! Its been a while since I check the site, but im glad u made it back to us. From your last few entries I see everything is going good in your part of the world. Enjoy that! happiness is essential.
just saying hello back