I am finding fewer and fewer reasons to go to bed at night and more and more to keep me awake. Sleep is oh so necessary and, once I'm there, there's nothing better than cuddling up nakedly under my fuzzy blanket, BUT you miss out on so much when you are asleep. I could be cleaning, creating, writing, fucking, shopping (online), finishing up work (least favorite option), working out, or socializing. It doesn't help that I'm seven hours off from the time schedule most of my friends and family are on. So when I am preparing to slumber, they are just logging on and ready to chat. Unfortuantely as easy as it is to convince myself to stay up that extra hour or two, the beginning of the day still comes at the same time regardless. So up I get with the rooster. (I actually don't think I've ever seen chickens here though) I did sleep until almost 8 this morning. I've been getting away with hiding out just a little longer than most. I hate to say it but I'm pretty sure it has everything to do with being a relatively attractive female.

So you want to be friends?

None at all, but you should say hello and introduce yourself first :p