every idiot can be a genius...and vice versa
Today was a really early start. I had my 8am which meant I had to get up early anyway, but Sora woke up in the wee hours of the pre-dawn, heard something sniffle or sneeze or crawl or walk or climb or whatever outside and proceeded to go into "I'm gonna getcha" mode. Oy vey. She springboarded off of my chest and gave several verticle leaps in one place while barking wildly. That was the beginning of my day. As shocking as a fire alarm in your ear or a bucket of cold water over your head.
I actually finished both my papers that were due today before I went to bed last night. This was a blessing. I always put it off till the next morning and wake up in a panic wishing I had those hours back.
Classes were okay and uneventful. We did finish watching American Speldor in creative nonfic. That was exciting. I think other than myself there was one other person that laughed outloud at the movie. Well now I know the lay of the land when it comes to sense of humor in that room. Mine doesn't quite align.
I gave blood. It took forever. What a process, just take it, I'm volunteering it. Just vacuum out what you need and send me on my way! Form after form. Even though I've given blood before, it was apparently in the Tidewater region...which is not apparently techno linked to the whereever the hell we are region. Red Cross, did you know that there is an invention called the internet. It's amazing and it saves information. FROM EVERYWHERE. That's the beauty of it. So, needless to say, i got way behind schedule and by the time the last crimson drop leaked out of my poor nervous vein, I was an hour late for work.
So I ran out the back door to avoid the orange juice natzi. I hoped on my bike and peddled home. ... ... Good idea folks? Not so much. By the time I pulled my bike into the house my ears were ringing mildly. This doesn't really bother me because I have tinnitus and already have a permanant ringing in my ears. The problems began when it felt as if I had stuffed cotton balls (which I have an intense fear of) into my ear canals and cornered the ringing inside. It was literally echoing around inside my head and my vision was swimming.
MUST EAT I thought. I realized I had not eaten all day. Good idea folks? Not so much. Breathing in gasps I slapped together the worlds blandest, dryest, most disgusting sandwich. And took two bites.
I began to panic through the fog. Did I panic that I would pass out and hit my head and die? No. I paniced because I was late to work. I threw my clothes on grabbed some juice and saltine crackers and managed to drive myself to work. White as a bedsheet.
I am fine now. Just had a rough day that was all my fault basically (except for the part where my dog drove me to maddness) and I'm still alive. Even a genius can be an idiot..

Today was a really early start. I had my 8am which meant I had to get up early anyway, but Sora woke up in the wee hours of the pre-dawn, heard something sniffle or sneeze or crawl or walk or climb or whatever outside and proceeded to go into "I'm gonna getcha" mode. Oy vey. She springboarded off of my chest and gave several verticle leaps in one place while barking wildly. That was the beginning of my day. As shocking as a fire alarm in your ear or a bucket of cold water over your head.
I actually finished both my papers that were due today before I went to bed last night. This was a blessing. I always put it off till the next morning and wake up in a panic wishing I had those hours back.
Classes were okay and uneventful. We did finish watching American Speldor in creative nonfic. That was exciting. I think other than myself there was one other person that laughed outloud at the movie. Well now I know the lay of the land when it comes to sense of humor in that room. Mine doesn't quite align.
I gave blood. It took forever. What a process, just take it, I'm volunteering it. Just vacuum out what you need and send me on my way! Form after form. Even though I've given blood before, it was apparently in the Tidewater region...which is not apparently techno linked to the whereever the hell we are region. Red Cross, did you know that there is an invention called the internet. It's amazing and it saves information. FROM EVERYWHERE. That's the beauty of it. So, needless to say, i got way behind schedule and by the time the last crimson drop leaked out of my poor nervous vein, I was an hour late for work.
So I ran out the back door to avoid the orange juice natzi. I hoped on my bike and peddled home. ... ... Good idea folks? Not so much. By the time I pulled my bike into the house my ears were ringing mildly. This doesn't really bother me because I have tinnitus and already have a permanant ringing in my ears. The problems began when it felt as if I had stuffed cotton balls (which I have an intense fear of) into my ear canals and cornered the ringing inside. It was literally echoing around inside my head and my vision was swimming.
MUST EAT I thought. I realized I had not eaten all day. Good idea folks? Not so much. Breathing in gasps I slapped together the worlds blandest, dryest, most disgusting sandwich. And took two bites.
I began to panic through the fog. Did I panic that I would pass out and hit my head and die? No. I paniced because I was late to work. I threw my clothes on grabbed some juice and saltine crackers and managed to drive myself to work. White as a bedsheet.
I am fine now. Just had a rough day that was all my fault basically (except for the part where my dog drove me to maddness) and I'm still alive. Even a genius can be an idiot..