Alright so in the list of things that did happen today....
Chatted with people.
Only left the house to go get more tissues. (yay for having a cold)
Got no art work finished
Computer freaked and gave me no help
Shitty email conversation/learning experience*
The list of things that did not happen
Shoe Adventure v2.0
Anything fun.
FL hates me. I miss my city of Brooklyn. At least I wasn't at the mercy of other people wanting to go out to do stuff when I lived in the city. I had the fucking subway and all it's glory at my disposal and if I felt like being extra comfy taxi's out the ass. My NY friends were a lot cooler than my FL friends. Yeah sure NY has a lot of baggage and a lot the places I always went to have a lot of memories with people I'm not even really friends with anymore,(yay for shitty breakups) but damnit I could always find something to do. Sure everything costed a lot more than it does down here, but fuck I lived somewhere that I actually liked. I'm kinda done with FL already. If it wasn't for my job going so well I'd probably have picked up my shit and moved already. *I've learned that it's time to stop caring about other people all together. Relationships are kinda pointless. I know I might sound a bit bitter on this one, but lets be honest here. Everyone lies. It doesn't matter how much we think we care about someone, we're never going to be fully honest with them. Even if we do start to open up to people we never really want to let them all they way in, for fear of rejection in the end. Yeah sure someone's probably going to read this and tell me I'm an asshole or that I'm wrong, but whatev's I don't care. I've put myself out there and found out that people would just rather walk away. I'm not saying that I don't believe in love or that true love doesn't exist. What I am saying tho is that we're all too afraid of each other to actually fall in love. Yeah I'm ranting and it's probably not the most intelligent rant, and I'm probably fucking things up royally. Oh well.
"I've had my loves, I've had my fights, but one thing remains the same."
I would also like to point out that I'm not very intelligent. I find myself pursuing clearly unattainable things/people. I've been kinda silly lately, crushing on someone if you will, and well yeah unrealistic wouldn't quite do justice. Blah I feel like an idiot. Note to self: next time figure out how people feel before making one's self look like a dumb ass.
. wekilledit .
"I drew a heart around the name of your city." <3
Chatted with people.
Only left the house to go get more tissues. (yay for having a cold)

Got no art work finished
Computer freaked and gave me no help
Shitty email conversation/learning experience*
The list of things that did not happen
Shoe Adventure v2.0
Anything fun.
FL hates me. I miss my city of Brooklyn. At least I wasn't at the mercy of other people wanting to go out to do stuff when I lived in the city. I had the fucking subway and all it's glory at my disposal and if I felt like being extra comfy taxi's out the ass. My NY friends were a lot cooler than my FL friends. Yeah sure NY has a lot of baggage and a lot the places I always went to have a lot of memories with people I'm not even really friends with anymore,(yay for shitty breakups) but damnit I could always find something to do. Sure everything costed a lot more than it does down here, but fuck I lived somewhere that I actually liked. I'm kinda done with FL already. If it wasn't for my job going so well I'd probably have picked up my shit and moved already. *I've learned that it's time to stop caring about other people all together. Relationships are kinda pointless. I know I might sound a bit bitter on this one, but lets be honest here. Everyone lies. It doesn't matter how much we think we care about someone, we're never going to be fully honest with them. Even if we do start to open up to people we never really want to let them all they way in, for fear of rejection in the end. Yeah sure someone's probably going to read this and tell me I'm an asshole or that I'm wrong, but whatev's I don't care. I've put myself out there and found out that people would just rather walk away. I'm not saying that I don't believe in love or that true love doesn't exist. What I am saying tho is that we're all too afraid of each other to actually fall in love. Yeah I'm ranting and it's probably not the most intelligent rant, and I'm probably fucking things up royally. Oh well.
"I've had my loves, I've had my fights, but one thing remains the same."
I would also like to point out that I'm not very intelligent. I find myself pursuing clearly unattainable things/people. I've been kinda silly lately, crushing on someone if you will, and well yeah unrealistic wouldn't quite do justice. Blah I feel like an idiot. Note to self: next time figure out how people feel before making one's self look like a dumb ass.
. wekilledit .
"I drew a heart around the name of your city." <3
no one wants to be in florida.
(edit: sorry, just read the rest of your post. now i feel like a jerk.)
here's something to cheer you up:
any suggestions of the cupcake persuasion?
don't miss ny too much at the moment. it's tourist season, don't forget.