Alright so I'm getting ready to go out for the day....Shoe Adventure v2.0!!!! Yesterday's shoe adventure didn't really happen, so we're trying again today. Still not feeling the greatest, but I'm starting to feel a little better. Maybe I'll get some work done after I get back from the shoe adventure...hopefully the computer will allow it, bc so far it kinda hates me and won't let me do anything.
I should probably go bombing tonight since I'm off tomorrow. I need to get more paint soon, and more Munny dolls. I kinda wanna give out Munny's for Christmas presents.... there's a bunch of other shit I wanna do too, but yeah I'm broke. Anyways I'm hoping for at least a new pair of Dunk's today. We'll see what happens. Oh and in regards to the crush thing yeah I'm still lame, and still crushing like a school kid....<buffalo3 "I drew a heart around the name of your city"
