started my new job and its pretty kick ass. ive never seen so much valium in my life... lol. i wanted to steal a bottle... but i restrained myself... no jail time for me thanks.. dont think id hold up in prison very well.
sick-wise im feeling a bit better... my roommate got what i have... haha.. take that roommate! although last night i broke out in this mysterious rash.. extremely itchy... i was seconds away from grabbing a sharp object and taking care of the itch that way... but roommate took me to hospital instead. my oxygen levels were low... blood pressure high... had a bit of a temperature... etc. we didnt stick around to find out what it was... because emergency rooms are useless unless youre an accident victim. i just came home and had him rub calamine all over me... took some allergy pills and went to bed. it seems okay today... *crosses fingers* weird since im not allergic to anything other the cats... and havent been around one in ages.... it was not a pretty sight. i guess its time to make a doctors appointment.
i should finish (or start rather) getting ready for work. its not nice to be late for your second shift. bye bye
sick-wise im feeling a bit better... my roommate got what i have... haha.. take that roommate! although last night i broke out in this mysterious rash.. extremely itchy... i was seconds away from grabbing a sharp object and taking care of the itch that way... but roommate took me to hospital instead. my oxygen levels were low... blood pressure high... had a bit of a temperature... etc. we didnt stick around to find out what it was... because emergency rooms are useless unless youre an accident victim. i just came home and had him rub calamine all over me... took some allergy pills and went to bed. it seems okay today... *crosses fingers* weird since im not allergic to anything other the cats... and havent been around one in ages.... it was not a pretty sight. i guess its time to make a doctors appointment.
i should finish (or start rather) getting ready for work. its not nice to be late for your second shift. bye bye