holy shit... i feel like shit. i thought the chest cold was going away... but i think its toying with me. it makes me sad...
got an appointment at 11:30... its 10:30 right now and im still in my jamies. ugh. motivation please? (i must sound like the laziest motherfucker around...). figure ill go running or something after i get back.. or blading or something. out to the movies tonight to see either that new harold and kumar movie... or iron man with the roomate and a couple of his friends i believe. maybe i can con them into going to shoot some pool or something afterwards. being in this apartment so much is driving me bonkers.
suppose i should go and begin to get ready... *sigh*

got an appointment at 11:30... its 10:30 right now and im still in my jamies. ugh. motivation please? (i must sound like the laziest motherfucker around...). figure ill go running or something after i get back.. or blading or something. out to the movies tonight to see either that new harold and kumar movie... or iron man with the roomate and a couple of his friends i believe. maybe i can con them into going to shoot some pool or something afterwards. being in this apartment so much is driving me bonkers.
suppose i should go and begin to get ready... *sigh*
yeah im a goon when i sleep.. thats not even the weirdest thing ive said apparently.. hehe
Hey, lets go to the movies. That should motivate ya! I can give you a real cookie ^ ^