I cant believe that I just sent the paper that has caused me so much stress...it's over and tomorrow I submit my final final (I know, it's redundant--give me a break it is 2 am). I don't know if my sleep cycles will ever recover. I do know that tomorrow I have to walk with Nathe BB to the shuttle stop and give her a...
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Cute smile
Cute smile
So after tomorrow finals are done! yay! I am sure I will wake up in a cold sweat for months thinking that I forgot something--(have I?)...I was in the shower today and I thought to myself, "self, will I miss this?" and then I promptly punched myself in the face for being so dumb. I have decided to stop brushing my hair for the entirety...
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I hereby proclaim myself the twatless wonder. And I so wanna go to Scotland with ya but you gotta leave me here to work. Whatevs yo, whatevs. Nice picture though, did you take more? wink hahahhaa
...'cause secretly i'm timid

So, I have two papers left--big ones and compiling my pre-practicum observations and writing an overview of the experience.
I took last night off from worrying for my pal nathe bee's 22 birthday bash. I was a drunken idiot but I am pretty harmless when I am wasted. Alot of laughing and profanity but I still managed to break a bottle...
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Sometimes I miss getting drunk with friends.
hehe you're funny on the phone when you're drunk. Are you coming back to talk to me tonight? I miss you frown
I dont know how I feel.
about anything.
I know I feel things but I just can't critically engage something enough to be profoundly invested in order to have any expectations met or dissiminated.

I sat next to a poet today and she said that she thinks she was born to be a poet...
that she was born "hypersensitive," overtaken by every emotion.
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I have so much work to do (and I am surprisingly--doing it, *gasp*) but allI want to do is sit in my bed and feel small. I like to take up as little space as possible with my body but I aspire to take up entire country-sized portions of the air floating about my head with my thoughts. My life is like a comic book...
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I like the idea of what you are doing here. I only wish I could do it myself. It would be rather rewarding I would imagine, but my 5 year old sees to it that I don't have much time for moments such as that. Enjoy it!
No, you don't sound like you are on drugs.

I stayed in bed all day too. biggrin
Shutting Themselves In - NYT

Taken from Wikipedia:

Although there are versions where the hikikomori may venture outdoors, [1] the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare defines hikikomori as individuals who refuse to leave their parents' house, and isolate themselves away from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months. While the severity of the phenomenon varies depending on the individual, some...
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So, today I am not attending any classes and I have the day off from work--I am declaring this a "mental health" day...which means I am going to hole myself up in the library and work on school stuff in a hopeless attempt at "catching up" and "getting on top of my work." It's amazing how tired I am these days...I allowed myself to sleep...
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A mental health day sounds like a good idea ... when I take one I never leave the house .

/me adresses the class .... Has anyone used a cock ring before ? I did last night ............................................................................................................................
You know, I haven't much tiome to comment on your response to my last question or this entry in any detail, but I have to say one thing.... I could read your entries all day long! You are by far one of the more interesting people I have come across in most places such as this. Simply put, you rule 'eh. I don't think you could write more than I am willing to read. I think I could talk, well more so, listen to you all day and night. There aren't enough people in this world who are as interesting or intelligent as you. I am glad to know ya!
So, I am at the point of the semester where you must ration your time wisely and things like eating, sleeping, peeing, and speaking to another individual are the first to be sacrificed--oh yeah, after sanity. That's always the first to go. I have to get together a presentation for Thursday on "Black Queer Love," focusing primarily on Essex Hemphill's poem "Black Beans"--I may attach...
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I am comepletely interested in knowing what you want to do with your life and education when you are done. I am not being a smart ass in anyway, but like you said...."cue the "what will you do with that?" and the headscratching." It almost sounds kinda like Sociology, only specific to a group. Maybe?

Well, I intend to go on to grad school but am taking time off between undergrad & grad.
I want to research, write and publish scholarly articles for journals but have applied to a teaching program since I have a strong background in literature. I am also submitting my resum to the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis though they aren't hiring (so says the website) but I am also submitting an application to volunteer there.
I like researching popular culture and analysing the roles gender and race play in that. Had I opted to write a thesis this year (which I didn't elect to do) my proposed topic was "Blackness and Sexuality in the Hardcore scene of the 80's and 90's"...naturally once I started researching I would have let myself hone that topic into something more specific and interesting. Alas, I did not attempt a thesis but am still very interested in the topic and using my background in African American Studies to use theory and relate something more obscure in the academic world (punk and its outgrowth) to the complex world of race discourse. Not simply to say, "yes, Blackness exists in the margins of this musical movement/subculture" but to actually say, "what does this mean?" and "how does the definition of Blackness change in this environment?"...blah blah blah...and sexuality would be along the same lines...whether it deals with queerness or gender...

I'm sure this is more than you wanted to read but I am procrastinating. LoL
And for this reason you will continue to see me on here--I would rather be looking at naked people than writing the heaps of papers that are piling up.

A month in Scotland sound like fun experience .

How did your day turn out ?
buk: "yes yes"

when God created love He didn't help most
when God created dogs He didn't help dogs
when God created plants that was average
when God created hate we had a standard utility
when God created me He created me
when God created the monkey He was asleep
when He created the giraffe He was drunk
when He created narcotics He was high...
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Hey!! Watch us live right around the corner from eachother. haha I needed some new friends too haha biggrin
is this your poetry? I dig it, check out some of mine and part of my book blush If you're like me you itch to write, can't wait to read some more...peace