Saturday Jul 09, 2005 Jul 9, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS geckogirl: thanks for the feedback on my packaging. that project evolved a long way from where it started Jul 12, 2005 zyryx: fucking hell your work is amazing... if it was one of four sensors, does that mean is was a back up of a back up of a back up? but hell I guess I shouldn't complain, I sure as shit would ride in that things unless EVERYTHING was working perfect, and then you'd still have to pay me. Jul 13, 2005
if it was one of four sensors, does that mean is was a back up of a back up of a back up? but hell I guess I shouldn't complain, I sure as shit would ride in that things unless EVERYTHING was working perfect, and then you'd still have to pay me.