Hey there
How is everyone?
Well I'm back and getting back into my regular life here. The tour was awesome, much better than expected even! All the shows were great, and all the kids were great as well!
I met Disco, she was awesome! It was great hanging out with her, and awing over her accent! lol
Not really much else to say except that...
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How is everyone?
Well I'm back and getting back into my regular life here. The tour was awesome, much better than expected even! All the shows were great, and all the kids were great as well!
I met Disco, she was awesome! It was great hanging out with her, and awing over her accent! lol
Not really much else to say except that...
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Y awesome too, glad the rest of the tour went ok, how were Champion? I left before they played
The Champin set was amazing! Probably one of the craziest I have seen of them..it was awesome!!
Holy smokes!! What a day!
It started off as a normal day and then gut busier and busier and busier...which is awesome. Then I was supposed to go and help move out a trade show tonight, but that changed to me having to go and pick up and drop off stuff at 3 different cargo ships. Ship spares, personal effects and life rafts!
On our...
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It started off as a normal day and then gut busier and busier and busier...which is awesome. Then I was supposed to go and help move out a trade show tonight, but that changed to me having to go and pick up and drop off stuff at 3 different cargo ships. Ship spares, personal effects and life rafts!
On our...
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update this shit man...hahaha, i hear you hung with my friend Disco! im jealous.
get back and tell me all about tour...NOW!
get back and tell me all about tour...NOW!

Hey there
How is everyone?
Well I'm back and getting back into my regular life here. The tour was awesome, much better than expected even! All the shows were great, and all the kids were great as well!
I met Disco, she was awesome! It was great hanging out with her, and awing over her accent! lol
Not really much else to say except that though I love being on tour and rockin out, it's good to be home for a bit and save some money, and just relax!
Have a great day!
How is everyone?
Well I'm back and getting back into my regular life here. The tour was awesome, much better than expected even! All the shows were great, and all the kids were great as well!
I met Disco, she was awesome! It was great hanging out with her, and awing over her accent! lol
Not really much else to say except that though I love being on tour and rockin out, it's good to be home for a bit and save some money, and just relax!
Have a great day!
Today was a pretty good day, though I have been feeling sick all day, kind of dizzy and nautious! Hopefully I'll be ok tomorrow, I hate feeling like this.
Joining a new band in a couple of days, straight from scrath! It's been a very long time since I have joined from the very beginning, hopefully it works out good. I want to play sick...
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Joining a new band in a couple of days, straight from scrath! It's been a very long time since I have joined from the very beginning, hopefully it works out good. I want to play sick...
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Does anyone know how to get the mini screen that pops up to work, when you want to see someone on cam?
It says to refresh, but there is no picture...what gives? please help!
Does anyone know how to get the mini screen that pops up to work, when you want to see someone on cam?
It says to refresh, but there is no picture...what gives? please help!
the cam isn't really my favorite part. a new picture of someone sitting down (and probably looking bored) every 15, 30, or 60 seconds? LAME! but that's my opinion, though.
Well today was a relaxing do nothing day. I was going to go and a bunch of things, but instead I went for a coffee this morning, and that's all I did really lol
I was supposed to hang out with a friend of mine, but she never called me back, oh well, when you are super busy in the week and day like today...
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I was supposed to hang out with a friend of mine, but she never called me back, oh well, when you are super busy in the week and day like today...
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talk to me.
i am hanging out with kelly right now.
this is random.
i am hanging out with kelly right now.
this is random.
What to do today?
I think I'm going to go and send my camera in to be fixed, and maybe buy a movie, I'm in need of something new, who wants to come and watch it me?
Right now, I'm enjoying some choc silk, listening to some black metal, and I might move some stuff around in my room.
I'm feeling saucey as well, so...
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I think I'm going to go and send my camera in to be fixed, and maybe buy a movie, I'm in need of something new, who wants to come and watch it me?

Right now, I'm enjoying some choc silk, listening to some black metal, and I might move some stuff around in my room.
I'm feeling saucey as well, so...
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"I'm saucy, I'm a saucy boy! DING DONG! DING DONG!"
"Daddy would like you some sausage?"

"I'm saucy, I'm a saucy boy! DING DONG! DING DONG!"
"Daddy would like you some sausage?"

Hey there,
I'm super tired, but can't sleep, and I'm bored! If there is anyone like me right now, please feel free to write to me! I'm looking for friends to talk to right now
I'm super tired, but can't sleep, and I'm bored! If there is anyone like me right now, please feel free to write to me! I'm looking for friends to talk to right now

Today seemed to go by so slow, even though at work we couldn't find the time to sit down and relax! I have been put onto doing baggage every other wed, that's awesome becuase essentially it's like a day off, I don't really have to do anything except watch people load and unlod my truck! Woo-hoo!
Practice tonight was great, though we had to go...
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Practice tonight was great, though we had to go...
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Our internet connection sucks these days! I think our router is broken, which really sucks!! we have been off and online for the last 3 days, so no sg for me!!
I got a smaller jewellery for one of my piercings the other day
It fits more snug, feels great, and I think looks awesome! I cant stop looking at it now lol
I got a smaller jewellery for one of my piercings the other day

Well, another day been and gone.
Tonight I watched some 24, first season disc 2. We had the whole first season burnt and we started watching it on tour, but then the burnt copies wouldn't work on my ps2 that we had in the van, but it seems to work here on my computer...guess who's happy about that! I need to now see the rest...
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Tonight I watched some 24, first season disc 2. We had the whole first season burnt and we started watching it on tour, but then the burnt copies wouldn't work on my ps2 that we had in the van, but it seems to work here on my computer...guess who's happy about that! I need to now see the rest...
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Haha James, I will do! But I want real ones from you
I was just wondering, Mr xMotorx, I'm a promoter in the UK, so if you have any spare dates left while yr over here...haha

I was just wondering, Mr xMotorx, I'm a promoter in the UK, so if you have any spare dates left while yr over here...haha
Well, thank you to everyone who left a comment! It was awesome coming here today and seeing 26 comments!
I had an exciting time looking through all the profiles of everyone, you are all hot stuff!!
Today was another good day, long but good, super busy, but good. Busy makes the day go by faster.
I can't wait to go to europe in oct, it's...
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I had an exciting time looking through all the profiles of everyone, you are all hot stuff!!
Today was another good day, long but good, super busy, but good. Busy makes the day go by faster.
I can't wait to go to europe in oct, it's...
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Where in Europe are you touring?
Enjoy Europe, please... Doubley enjoy it, cuz I should be there too...

Well today is a good day, this is my first journal on here. I have just been looking around and seeing everyone! I'm like a kid in a candy store!
Please stop by and say hello!!
Please stop by and say hello!!
welcome to the tribe. and i think you may have set a new record for most sg's commenting on a journal entry. congratulations.
-the geist
-the geist
Are you going to be able to make it to see Trial?