So, I just changed my username to not have Xs surrounding it, because when I joined in 2003 I was straightedge, and now...well...I'm fucking drinking a beer.
Speaking of beer, as the Bass hits me in the throat in the fucked up way it does sometimes, I keep meaning to break open my old computer and hook up my old harddrive to get all my old music onto this computer. It is only a year old...But instead I just busted open a beer and fucking bullshitted, content to listen to whatever nonsense I either had the wherewithall to rip or stole off dc++..
So, fucking A. Work, dude. First I run my crazy ass around finding a bunch of bullshit of Bill and Hillary because some asshole who writes asshole books about political figures wrote an asshole book that says that Bill raped Hillary in order to produce Chelsea CLinton, who I then had to find footage of...
thanks for telling me that btw, ANtony.... fuck.
And I miss one. One god damn shot. ANd that's all they notice...not the fucking literal bushelload of shit I put in there.
There is all the footage of the Clinton family, the asshole that wrote the book, fuck even Ted Kennedy's ex-wife shot in the past 6 years and I miss one god damn shot and I catch hell..
And then the piece gets aced in favor of Michael fucking Jackson.
God bless.
God fucking Bless.
Steve runs around like a mad man again.
You all know what went on with that bullshit. I mean I don't want to reiterate it. Imagine working in a news place when that shit happens. If you think it is crazy,'re fucking right.
I had to get a tape from these asshole cameramen. Let me let you in on a little secret if you don't know. The glamorous Hollywood is built on the backs of a bunch of blue collar motherfuckers.
And like most blue collar motherfuckers they are fucking assholes.
This dude with a bushy, curly seventies afro(think like cool only not) literally stopped me in the middle of a dead sprint away to let me know that he was -- and I am__. Imagine that as a hand gesture. He made a hand gesture to assert his superiority.
yeah, sorry, hair bear bunch, but if you have to illustrate your rank in terms of hand gestures youaren't as cool as you think you are.
Fuck head.
SO, yeah. I love breaking news. It gets everybody all fucking rowdy.
In other news, it has been far too long since I trained last. SOmething like a week. But it is a little embarrassing to go in to pay Kru Puk, and he says that I can pay for more than one month at a time and I have to tell him that I actually really can't.
Ahh...nothing like living paycheck to paycheck...
Speaking of beer, as the Bass hits me in the throat in the fucked up way it does sometimes, I keep meaning to break open my old computer and hook up my old harddrive to get all my old music onto this computer. It is only a year old...But instead I just busted open a beer and fucking bullshitted, content to listen to whatever nonsense I either had the wherewithall to rip or stole off dc++..
So, fucking A. Work, dude. First I run my crazy ass around finding a bunch of bullshit of Bill and Hillary because some asshole who writes asshole books about political figures wrote an asshole book that says that Bill raped Hillary in order to produce Chelsea CLinton, who I then had to find footage of...

thanks for telling me that btw, ANtony.... fuck.
And I miss one. One god damn shot. ANd that's all they notice...not the fucking literal bushelload of shit I put in there.
There is all the footage of the Clinton family, the asshole that wrote the book, fuck even Ted Kennedy's ex-wife shot in the past 6 years and I miss one god damn shot and I catch hell..
And then the piece gets aced in favor of Michael fucking Jackson.
God bless.
God fucking Bless.
Steve runs around like a mad man again.
You all know what went on with that bullshit. I mean I don't want to reiterate it. Imagine working in a news place when that shit happens. If you think it is crazy,'re fucking right.
I had to get a tape from these asshole cameramen. Let me let you in on a little secret if you don't know. The glamorous Hollywood is built on the backs of a bunch of blue collar motherfuckers.
And like most blue collar motherfuckers they are fucking assholes.
This dude with a bushy, curly seventies afro(think like cool only not) literally stopped me in the middle of a dead sprint away to let me know that he was -- and I am__. Imagine that as a hand gesture. He made a hand gesture to assert his superiority.
yeah, sorry, hair bear bunch, but if you have to illustrate your rank in terms of hand gestures youaren't as cool as you think you are.
Fuck head.
SO, yeah. I love breaking news. It gets everybody all fucking rowdy.
In other news, it has been far too long since I trained last. SOmething like a week. But it is a little embarrassing to go in to pay Kru Puk, and he says that I can pay for more than one month at a time and I have to tell him that I actually really can't.
Ahh...nothing like living paycheck to paycheck...