Sigh, I've been ever so much the awful SG booster over the last few months: out to sea, on a PR trip to Nebraska, and now in my parent's ever so lees than charming poolhouse in Texas.
In a fit of ill advised spending, I picked up "Kitchen Confidential." Yes, I am ashamed. Yes, I know it's pulp. But it makes me excited about going back to work, proud of my burns, cuts, and bruises, and a little interested in getting some kind of "COOKS RULE" tattoo.
For all those that I've forgotten to keep up with, and all those who have forgotted me, IM me or something goddamn it! I miss you all.
In a fit of ill advised spending, I picked up "Kitchen Confidential." Yes, I am ashamed. Yes, I know it's pulp. But it makes me excited about going back to work, proud of my burns, cuts, and bruises, and a little interested in getting some kind of "COOKS RULE" tattoo.
For all those that I've forgotten to keep up with, and all those who have forgotted me, IM me or something goddamn it! I miss you all.

We miss you too, homie. I hope things are treating you very well.