So, I decided to try and go on a sort of a weekend bender.
The only problem is that, for the second night in a row, I've just ended up crawling into bed after 3 beers.
Ack, I'm such a lightweight.
So, again for the second night in a row, I've woken up way early (4am) and ended up IM fighting with the wife.
Fight topic? Wheter I am still in love with her.
I say no.
She says yes.
She's been drunk on red wine both times, (She's in France, so its been afternoon for her.) so we both ended up winning/losing.
Then, again again for the second night in a row, I've gone out to a different passed out boy in my living room.
Aren't i just the luckiest ever?
The only problem is that, for the second night in a row, I've just ended up crawling into bed after 3 beers.
Ack, I'm such a lightweight.
So, again for the second night in a row, I've woken up way early (4am) and ended up IM fighting with the wife.
Fight topic? Wheter I am still in love with her.
I say no.
She says yes.
She's been drunk on red wine both times, (She's in France, so its been afternoon for her.) so we both ended up winning/losing.
Then, again again for the second night in a row, I've gone out to a different passed out boy in my living room.
Aren't i just the luckiest ever?

And no luck on the blanket.