I'd love to be your friend, but you like MMOs and I have been "clean" since September. What if we were hanging out and I relapsed, ending up sitting under an overpass, offering sexual favors for time cards? Could you live with yourself then??
Haha, I used to have a SERIOUS WoW addiction. It started with EQ1 and progressed. I actually have ZERO MMO subscriptions at the moment because I can't afford to play them timewise. Between college and work, I have like, a few hours every day to myself, and that's usually spent SOCIALIZING in the outside world. Omg.
And, I don't use time cards, it's all about credit baby! It's a total scamola too. I didn't play for 4 months, and I completely forgot to cancel my account, so...yes, I was billed for the 4 months I never logged on. Dur dur.
I'm glad to hear about your recovery. Keep it up. I always think to myself beer and friends > sitting alone in my room yelling at some 13 year old from halfway across the country because he thinks melee hunters can output the most DPS. (Note, I played EQ until I got my WoW beta invite, I played WoW for about 5 or 6 years. A healer, a raid leader, and a hard core player at that. I did all the 40 man dungeons back in the day. And yes, I was a MEAN raid leader)
It's taken me almost a month, but I've been super busy with college. Anyways.
To whomever re-activated my account for me, thank you! I must say, anonymous pr0n is a little creepy, so if you're that creep, let me know....please o.o
The pain is the fun part, for some it hurts like hell and for others it's not so bad. My tattoos didn't hurt at all and my tolerance for pain is crazy especially when I hurt myself, but with tattoos it's different. Also it depends on where you get the tattoo done..anyway, it's a good pain
Ry - Im the same way, if I hurt myself...or back when I used to, it didn't hurt at all. But the thought of someone drilling my back with ink makes me shiver. I just hope I don't wuss out I probably won't. I'll take a valium or something before, calm down, and do it. I've been reading up a lot on first tattoo experiences and what to expect, and it calmed a lot of my fears.
A little over a year ago I fell down two flights of stairs, landing right on the corner of one of the stairs...on my spine. It was honestly the worst pain I've ever felt in my life....I've never vomitted from being in pain, but lets just say it was pretty intense...I just thank god my boyfriend was around, he was taking a nap...and I just remember screaming loader than I ever have in my entire life. He came rushing to me, and about a minute later, I was puking because the pain was SO intense. I had to lay on the stairs for a good hour before my boyfriend finally coaxed me to actually try and get up to lay down on the bed. And...of course, being stubborn, I didn't go to the hospital that night like I should have, I put it off for a couple months actually, and now I'm going to be stuck with massive back pain for the rest of my life =/ *sigh*
Gee, I do ramble a lot. But I digress...
If I survived that terrible fall down the stairs, which was so bad I was convinced I had broken my spine...I got xrays done and again, thank you god...because from what I heard, full body casts suck >.>
Ah! I know why I'm rambling...I've been awake for over 24 hours. I think it MAY be time to hit the hay.
But like I was saying - if I was able to make it through almost becoming a fuckin paraplegic.....I think I'll be able to handle a little needle pokes =)
I'm sure as soon as I get my first tattoo, I'll be blogging about it. And I'll do my own pain factor rating on a scale from 1 to 10. I'm guessing it'll be around a 5 or a 6 for me, which I can totally handle
Okay, I think I just wrote a novel. Time for sleepies.
Thanks again for the words of encouragement Ry!
Happy Birthday!!