Wednesday Jun 14, 2006 Jun 14, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email allah be praised i once again have access to the internet... VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS xminusone: damn...i paid her good money to complain about me! WTF?! sounds like i'm going to have to send some rogue mexican wrestlers her way... Jun 14, 2006 hopey: Check the SG Seattle group for all things rad. Sat will be karaoke. Sun is yoga. Monday..........nothing yet. Tuesday, karaoke. Wednesday, Driving range Thursday, mechanical bull riding Friday, nothing Sat, Roller derby, get tickets now. Jun 14, 2006
sounds like i'm going to have to send some rogue mexican wrestlers her way...
Sat will be karaoke.
Sun is yoga.
Monday..........nothing yet.
Tuesday, karaoke.
Wednesday, Driving range
Thursday, mechanical bull riding
Friday, nothing
Sat, Roller derby, get tickets now.