So uhm...another boring day. I have to go to my bf's friends birthday party and I don't even like these kids. He's getting a stripper so I'll sit in the corner and giggle like a school girl :tee hee:. Hopefully the stripper is cute but I doubt it..heh heh. For my birthday, I wanna have a big party and get a whole buncha SG's to...
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I think you're very pretty...fwiw
Aww Thank's! I think you are too! Yea Donnie Darko Rocks! I have to do the same thing soon too, But It's been mad cold out to do anything. That would so rock having SG's popping out of your B-day cake! Heheh
Well have fun at the B-Day party.
Buh Bye's
School...classes seem easy...no cute boys..or girls...in ANY of my classes. Ok- so maybe theres one stoner hippie lookin boy thats friends w my friend, but thats IT. Maybe I should keep up with the computer graphics and go to art school...THATS where all the hotties are! Hmph..other than that, nothing to exciting to report. I think this weekend Im gunna go see 25th Hour. Edward...
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Ok this sucks...I took new pics, and I cant seem to get it on my profile :\ Oh well, if anyone that reads this (even though Im almost POSITIVE Edea is the only one that does...) you can see one of em on my homepage thingy.
School tomorrow...missions accomplished=0. Oh well..cant wait til May to go to Florida and it'll be summer and I can...
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L-ove. S-lave.

That's hot.
hi sweetie!

as far as I know, a profile pic must meet 2 requirements:

1. it has to be resized to exactly 235 width 175 height

2. it cannot be more than 100kb

hope that helps
if us SGs want a new profile pic we have to make one and send it in to veronica so I know nothing about uploading them.confused
School starts tomorrow. Today is where I run around like a maniac doing last minute shit. They cancelled my figure drawing class, of course, the one I was most looking forward to. Met a chick online..yea I know its kinda cheesy. Shes gunna be at the Coheed and Cambria show so that'll be cool. She's really cool and stuff we've been talkin on the phone...I...
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So Im talking to "Bianca"..and I start talking about hot chicks Ive talked to online, or rather, that claim to be who they are in the pics they send. So I tell her about when I supposedly talked to Kym from raverporn.net a long while ago...and I tell her I'll send her some pics and "Bianca" is all "I gotta go" and signs off. I...
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hope no one ever out there is pretending to be me ....actually
that'd be pretty funny!biggrin
The mall was pretty cool. We went straight for the food court and at this particular mall there is a research and marketing firm IN the foodcourt so they try to get people to do surveys. Some young kid that looked like Q-T from 2Gether approached us and I made my sister do his survey cuz it was 5bucks for tasting some candy.
I got...
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Have you ever heard HumanWasteProject?
They aren't together anymore, but they had one album that came out around the same time as Korn and Deftones first albums and it's REALLY good!!!
Ok--so since I go back to school wednesday everyone is caling me to hang out and all this other sheezy. I have work all week so there isnt much to do, and since its all cold out I dont really wanna walk around the city.
I finally got my financial aid crap so I gotta do all that. Got my report card, I got a...
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i wanna make my own clothes too!!!

I promise I'll go on AIM tomorrowbiggrin

So0o0o, I didnt get a new computer from papa dukes, how disapointing. Oh well, he threw me some cash and 3 pairs of cute pj's. Hmm rented Signs and Blade 2, haven't watched them yet. I have been DYING to go to the movies, but no one has been around to go with me. I would go alone, but what in the hell is the...
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sorry I haven't got back to you in a bit, it's been pretty hectic lately. biggrin

Oh we will hang out soon, maybe go see a movie and shit, but I don't drive so... and maybe go to an SG event in the city or somethin sometime too ....well I'll talk to you soonwink
So yesterday I hung out w my friend Shelly. We watched the Slipknot dvd, the Mudvayne dvd,Gummo, and that show Joe Millionaire...woo! We were going to go to karaoke at ths local coffee joint but we decided against it. Today I gotta go to my dad's and do the Xmas thing. (Yea I know its late, he was on vacation.) And I talked to B...
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rock on girl!!

muddvayne & slioknot= two of my fav dvd's!!!

and gummo rules!!!

we are going to have to hang out one of these days!!!
Another boring weekend, I cant wait til spring time when I can go to the city and Red Bank and whatnot without freezing my ass off. I kinda miss my old friends in the city, it was nice to be able to get away when I got sick of Dirty Jersey. I'm getting kind of sick of my old circle of friends, not that there...
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