Got a new pic up finally. Im not too crazy about this one either but whatever.
Still snowed in gosh darnit! I guess I wont be going to school for a few days. My paycheck is gunna be REALLY slack, I mean I only work 2 days a week and I missed a day. Im hoping my dad will pay me for the snow day. I cant wait until next month so I can start working the boardwalk again.
I REALLY miss old tv shows. For example, as me and Synnove were talking about, Liquid Television. That show was the birth of some kick ass shows such as Beavis and Butthead and Aeon Flux. I dont understand why it was cancelled. Then there was The State, also a kick ass show, and yea most of the actors went to a show called Viva Variety, but it just wasnt the same. Then we have our friends Pete and Pete...another wonderful show. I guess Pete and Pete got too old or did too many drugs or something. Bahh I could name so many more wonderful TV shows, mostly on MTV and Nickelodeon, that got replaced by crappy ass tv shows such as Cribs and TailDaters. I suggest a tv network is developed to bring back all the kick ass shows that were cancelled throughout the 80's and 90's. They could show all the cool ass music videos from back in those days,cool weird movies, and all that jazz. If anyone happens to stumble upon this entry, feel free to submit any suggestions for this imaginary network, bc if I become rich someday, I WILL do it damn it!

I REALLY miss old tv shows. For example, as me and Synnove were talking about, Liquid Television. That show was the birth of some kick ass shows such as Beavis and Butthead and Aeon Flux. I dont understand why it was cancelled. Then there was The State, also a kick ass show, and yea most of the actors went to a show called Viva Variety, but it just wasnt the same. Then we have our friends Pete and Pete...another wonderful show. I guess Pete and Pete got too old or did too many drugs or something. Bahh I could name so many more wonderful TV shows, mostly on MTV and Nickelodeon, that got replaced by crappy ass tv shows such as Cribs and TailDaters. I suggest a tv network is developed to bring back all the kick ass shows that were cancelled throughout the 80's and 90's. They could show all the cool ass music videos from back in those days,cool weird movies, and all that jazz. If anyone happens to stumble upon this entry, feel free to submit any suggestions for this imaginary network, bc if I become rich someday, I WILL do it damn it!

david the gnome
21 jump street