School starts tomorrow. Today is where I run around like a maniac doing last minute shit. They cancelled my figure drawing class, of course, the one I was most looking forward to. Met a chick online..yea I know its kinda cheesy. Shes gunna be at the Coheed and Cambria show so that'll be cool. She's really cool and stuff we've been talkin on the phone...I don't think anything will come of it, even though shes stuck on the fact that something will. She kinda lives far and doesnt drive so its kinda beat. :sigh: School tomorow...Im actually kind of people.
More Blogs
Friday Jan 24, 2003
So uhm...another boring day. I have to go to my bf's friends birthday… -
Thursday Jan 23, 2003
School...classes seem cute boys..or ANY of my cl… -
Tuesday Jan 21, 2003
Ok this sucks...I took new pics, and I cant seem to get it on my prof… -
Tuesday Jan 21, 2003
School starts tomorrow. Today is where I run around like a maniac doi… -
Thursday Jan 16, 2003
So Im talking to "Bianca"..and I start talking about hot chicks Ive t… -
Wednesday Jan 15, 2003
The mall was pretty cool. We went straight for the food court and at … -
Tuesday Jan 14, 2003
Ok--so since I go back to school wednesday everyone is caling me to h… -
Thursday Jan 09, 2003
So0o0o, I didnt get a new computer from papa dukes, how disapointing.… -
Tuesday Jan 07, 2003
So yesterday I hung out w my friend Shelly. We watched the Slipknot d… -
Sunday Jan 05, 2003
Another boring weekend, I cant wait til spring time when I can go to …