School starts tomorrow. Today is where I run around like a maniac doing last minute shit. They cancelled my figure drawing class, of course, the one I was most looking forward to. Met a chick online..yea I know its kinda cheesy. Shes gunna be at the Coheed and Cambria show so that'll be cool. She's really cool and stuff we've been talkin on the phone...I don't think anything will come of it, even though shes stuck on the fact that something will. She kinda lives far and doesnt drive so its kinda beat. :sigh: School tomorow...Im actually kind of people.
More Blogs
Wednesday Feb 19, 2003
FREE AT LAST!!!! Thank Bob, I finally got out of this freakin house! … -
Tuesday Feb 18, 2003
Got a new pic up finally. Im not too crazy about this one either but … -
Monday Feb 17, 2003
Ok so its official Im snowed in. My car is buried, you can barely see… -
Sunday Feb 16, 2003
So its snowing like a mother bitch and its supposedly not going to st… -
Saturday Feb 15, 2003
Well, Valentines Day wasnt too bad. I worked for a little bit. The bf… -
Thursday Feb 13, 2003
:SIGH: when in the HELL are things gunna get better? This past week… -
Wednesday Feb 12, 2003
I REALLY dont like all this shit that is going on. Im REALLY hoping… -
Tuesday Feb 11, 2003
So it was made known that the boy doesnt like me, and it was just a h… -
Sunday Feb 09, 2003
Today seems like a better day. Last night I rented Vulgar and 24 Hour… -
Saturday Feb 08, 2003
Its funny how at one point something seems like it could be the coole…