So Im talking to "Bianca"..and I start talking about hot chicks Ive talked to online, or rather, that claim to be who they are in the pics they send. So I tell her about when I supposedly talked to Kym from a long while ago...and I tell her I'll send her some pics and "Bianca" is all "I gotta go" and signs off. I get on and check the girls page...and heres "Bianca" (Agent Aeon from and, well thats whose pics she sent me anyway) needless to say Im sending some of the pics that I found on the site to this "Bianca" character. Either way this chick is HOT! haha. Of course as Ive said before total idiots ALWAYS find me. Moral of the story: STEALING PICS IS REALLY FUCKING LAME!
and Im not as dumb as I look.

hope no one ever out there is pretending to be me ....actually
that'd be pretty funny!