So0o0o, I didnt get a new computer from papa dukes, how disapointing. Oh well, he threw me some cash and 3 pairs of cute pj's. Hmm rented Signs and Blade 2, haven't watched them yet. I have been DYING to go to the movies, but no one has been around to go with me. I would go alone, but what in the hell is the fun in that? Lets see, school starts soon, still waiting on crappy financial aid to send me info, theyre such communists. I wanna go to the city and buy some new clothes...I am in desperate need of new clothes, my hair done and some other crap. Oh yea, need to make a trip to the shop to get some more holes in my body, even though theyre just in my ears
How crappy, I just want my eyebrows done again they looked SO HOT. Ahh I'll just hafta be patient, I really need to keep the job w papa dukes bc it pays VERY well.
PS.. Edea, I would love to hang out sometime..I'll probably im you or something like that or feel free to im me anytime.

PS.. Edea, I would love to hang out sometime..I'll probably im you or something like that or feel free to im me anytime.

Oh we will hang out soon, maybe go see a movie and shit, but I don't drive so... and maybe go to an SG event in the city or somethin sometime too ....well I'll talk to you soon