So yesterday I hung out w my friend Shelly. We watched the Slipknot dvd, the Mudvayne dvd,Gummo, and that show Joe Millionaire...woo! We were going to go to karaoke at ths local coffee joint but we decided against it. Today I gotta go to my dad's and do the Xmas thing. (Yea I know its late, he was on vacation.) And I talked to B today. I hate how she's so far. Just my luck to find everything I want in a person and they're so far. Well, Im going to FL in May for vacation and I think we're gunna meet up. Better to try than wonder what would have happened if you did right? I'll write later and let ya'll know what I got from papa dukes.

muddvayne & slioknot= two of my fav dvd's!!!
and gummo rules!!!
we are going to have to hang out one of these days!!!