Another boring weekend, I cant wait til spring time when I can go to the city and Red Bank and whatnot without freezing my ass off. I kinda miss my old friends in the city, it was nice to be able to get away when I got sick of Dirty Jersey. I'm getting kind of sick of my old circle of friends, not that there are many of them left, but it would be nice to meet a few new people. Im sure I'll meet a few once school starts. I don't see why its so hard to meet a decent girl around here..I feel as though I am on a neverending quest. I mean I guess I can get chicks, but one is far away and the rest Ive talked to just have no desire to get off their asses to hang out with me, or are just plain PSYCHO. I guess Im just a geek. I mean shit, I dont think Im THAT bad
I guess all the cute, nonpsycho girls are hiding under rocks...