Last night I got an IM from Caitlin, who I haven't spoken to in a long while. Remember her? Well, I was on AIM with a couple people and Caitlin's screen name pops up out of nowhere with this link and "how do I look in this pic?". She's kind of a camera whore and I wasn't really paying attention and I wound up clicking on it. Lo and behold it was an AIM virus!
This "check this out!" AIM virus (aka. Oscarbot, Opanki, Doyorg) apparently steals passwords and usernames and definitely annoys the shit out of people active on your AIM buddy list by closing out all your IMs and then open every one of them (online and "away") with that "check this out!" (or something like that) link.
Luckily one of my friends I was on AIM with had experienced this before and linked me up with the cure: AIMFix. So the lesson from this story is: PAY ATTENTION TO PEOPLE ON YOUR AIM LIST AND DON'T CLICK ON LINKS OUT OF BLUE! It's basically keeping up with your buddy list instead of just having 3 million AIM buddies you never talk to, like Myspace friends. hahaha
Anyhoozle, I got work tonight and tomorrow night and then I'll have Tuesday off for MADBALL, WALLS OF JERICHO, and FULL BLOWN CHAOS!

This "check this out!" AIM virus (aka. Oscarbot, Opanki, Doyorg) apparently steals passwords and usernames and definitely annoys the shit out of people active on your AIM buddy list by closing out all your IMs and then open every one of them (online and "away") with that "check this out!" (or something like that) link.
Luckily one of my friends I was on AIM with had experienced this before and linked me up with the cure: AIMFix. So the lesson from this story is: PAY ATTENTION TO PEOPLE ON YOUR AIM LIST AND DON'T CLICK ON LINKS OUT OF BLUE! It's basically keeping up with your buddy list instead of just having 3 million AIM buddies you never talk to, like Myspace friends. hahaha
Anyhoozle, I got work tonight and tomorrow night and then I'll have Tuesday off for MADBALL, WALLS OF JERICHO, and FULL BLOWN CHAOS!

xtyrantx is awesome!