Randy just called me up saying that he might have to evacuate Houston should this hurricane hit hard down there.
That meaning it's possible he could be making a drive up here (with his current "Asian Persuasian" chick he's been seeing/banging). But after talking to him on the phone, he thought it might not be that practical in the first place to make that long drive.
I hate work, but at least tonight was good. I got everything done I was expecting to do.
but I was super bored half of the night.
you know what cartoons I really miss seeing?

I hate work, but at least tonight was good. I got everything done I was expecting to do.

you know what cartoons I really miss seeing?
I used to watch these cartoons everyday before I left for school in the morning as I got ready and ate breakfast when I was in high school. I miss those cartoons.
btw, new BIF NAKED = hotness. me and the_geist are gonna have to battle for her and her hot Canadian punk princessness. I'd like to see Avril Lavigne try to take on Bif and see how long she lasts...dumb cunt. hahaha
bitch, i changed my profile picture on myspace...just for you. fucker.
Randy should Leave town fo sho!