Today fucking sucks. It's so boring...
I went to my mom's yesterday and picked up a tanneau cover for my truck my parents got for me after I got my truck. I put it on last night, but this one little section in the middle of the cover is pissing me off by not hooking into the railing.
It's 95% secure except for that one part behind the cab. Somehow I got these blisters on my fingertips from fighting with that damn thing in the 100,000,000 degree Texas heat.
So, anyway, I'm gonna go out to a strip club tonight. Yeah, remember that potheaded blonde bombshell girlfriend I had? Yeah, she works there now.
I talked to her on the phone a month or so ago and she told me I should come out to see her dance. I guess I'm finally taking her up on her offer. Let's see how this goes.
I went to my mom's yesterday and picked up a tanneau cover for my truck my parents got for me after I got my truck. I put it on last night, but this one little section in the middle of the cover is pissing me off by not hooking into the railing.

So, anyway, I'm gonna go out to a strip club tonight. Yeah, remember that potheaded blonde bombshell girlfriend I had? Yeah, she works there now.

Not that we're close to begin with - but don't want anyone to hate me
