Kids Like Us was great. Fun band to mosh it up with too. haha. Anchors Away was surprisingly fun, even doing a cover of "Last Caress" by The Misfits. The Bitter End arrived with Anchors Away in the middle of Balls Out's set because they got held up in traffic outside of San Antonio. Good moshy fun at a small warehouse-type venue.
After the show, I stopped by the Red Blood Club to see Elyse. I only got to see her for a few brief minutes, but it was good, to say the least. She was sunburnt from Hurricane Harbor with her sister, but it wasn't that bad. She also got her septum pierced and it looks really cute on her. By the way, I love that piercing on girls for some odd reason.
I got home from the show and check my email and start on my paper. Guess who IMs me? Elyse. If you didn't read my mini-update from yesterday, we had a bit of a "state of the union" discussion (although not the way I'd prefer). She's gonna be "laying low" in the relationship department, and I agree completely from what you guys know already. She still needs time to get over a big breakup and she doesn't need to rush into another relationship. I am glad that she doesn't want to make me the cliche "rebound guy"; it shows she holds me higher than some post-breakup mistake.

*by the way, I just noticed the guys in Kids Like Us are the same naked dudes in the "Stop gaying up hardcore" pic.

-the geist