The Sworn Enemy/Full Blown Chaos show was fantastic! There wasn't too many people there, but it was fun nonetheless. Few of the regulars of the Dallas Hardcore scene showed up as well. The coolest part of is that John Campbell (main promoter for Dallas hXc, Honor Killing Productions) and Riley from Darc Marc only came out to pass out fliers to shows this weekend and they (and a few others) got in for free with Agents of Man's merch guy. The guy also gave me their CDEP for free, too.

The only drawback of the show was that Sworn Enemy had this SUPER-SWEET-KILLER basketball jersey, but I didn't have any cash to buy it, only enough to buy FBC's new cd. Sworn Enemy's merch guy said I should be able to get it on MerchNow.com. YOU GUYS HEAR THAT?! BUY ME THAT JERSEY AND I'LL LOVE YOU LONG TIME!

1. i think you're totally badass for supporting your local punk/hardcore music scene like you do. every time i come by your page i see that you've been to yet another rad show. you ROCK.
2. YOU need to see Man on Fire. i think you would really really enjoy it.