"I have a date! I have a daaaaaaaaaaaaaatttteeee with the cutest girl in town!"-- The Vandals, guess what song?
Yeah, so last night I got to talking to ex-SG member xLaurax's sister for like so long. She'd been bumming about a recent breakup and I was just seeing how she's doing, saying hi. Well, we got to talking, and I was doing nothing but cheering her up completely. And before I knew it:
Elyse, xLaurax's sister: You know what?
Me: What?
Elyse: You should take me out on a date sometime.

We got to talking about how she's a big Alkaline Trio fan and she's going out to the show tonight at Gypsy Tea Room with her sister and her husband, Josh. She insisted that I go, so naturally am I gonna turn down a great band and a cool-ass punk chick?
What's funny is how I came to know Elyse. Obviously I meet Laura on here, and I'm talking to her on AIM about a punk/hardcore show I went to and this hot punk chick I saw there. "That's my sister!" haha. Yeah, so since that Laura had been talking me up to Elyse to hook us up, but by then she got with the now-ex-boyfriend.
Elyse: What do you think Laura would say about us dating?
Me: Probably "WELL, IT'S ABOUT TIME!"

The coolest part of all is that Laura's husband got everyone on the guest list because of his supreme comic book animator skills. I don't know who's more excited, me or Elyse.

of course it was a dachshund!!! but here....

VAQ-142 from start untill dec 2000