Monday morning and I'm still here on Suicide Girls. It's almost kind of odd, considering knowing what awaits at the stroke of midnight (or 2am considering I opened the account when I was still in Washington). Everything seems so quiet today, even when blaring My Son My Executioner in my truck.
A substitue professor in Psychology.
Introduction of opera in Music Appreciation. (I really want to see this movie Farinelli, about the famous castrato singer during the Baroque period of music.
Work at 4pm.
I have soreness in my body from Metalfest, which seems welcomed for some reason. I've always welcomed that pain my body because I always knew that through that pain I become stronger. I need to start working out, specifically running, because of semi-annual Physical Readiness Tests the navy conducts every fall and spring. I've never had problems with them, and have always been in decent shape, but improving my body should become an agenda I should continue to have.
Talking to Chad yesterday at the skateshop, he made an interesting observation about me re-enlisting: on a first enlistment most people get in, get a feel for things and then leave; on subsequent enlistments, you're in it to win it and succeed.
That's a truth. You can't invest a portion of your life and be sedentary, content with the niche you were given. Satisfaction is the death of desire in the military, and they have safeguards to be always a continuing personal advancement. This time around I'm IN IT TO WIN IT.
again, If you wish to maintain contact with me, do so through AIM, email, or my Myspace page. Just click the little tab on the left that says "CONTACT" or go to the bottom of that column--those'll put you in the right direction.
A substitue professor in Psychology.
Introduction of opera in Music Appreciation. (I really want to see this movie Farinelli, about the famous castrato singer during the Baroque period of music.
Work at 4pm.
I have soreness in my body from Metalfest, which seems welcomed for some reason. I've always welcomed that pain my body because I always knew that through that pain I become stronger. I need to start working out, specifically running, because of semi-annual Physical Readiness Tests the navy conducts every fall and spring. I've never had problems with them, and have always been in decent shape, but improving my body should become an agenda I should continue to have.
Talking to Chad yesterday at the skateshop, he made an interesting observation about me re-enlisting: on a first enlistment most people get in, get a feel for things and then leave; on subsequent enlistments, you're in it to win it and succeed.
That's a truth. You can't invest a portion of your life and be sedentary, content with the niche you were given. Satisfaction is the death of desire in the military, and they have safeguards to be always a continuing personal advancement. This time around I'm IN IT TO WIN IT.
again, If you wish to maintain contact with me, do so through AIM, email, or my Myspace page. Just click the little tab on the left that says "CONTACT" or go to the bottom of that column--those'll put you in the right direction.

and don't be surprised if your account doesn't go away on time.....sometimes it can linger, from what i've read.....