So I stayed up until 4AM finishing up this compilation for this kid at work because I kept fucking up ripping songs from cds and burning them. I would have organized them as per Rob Gordon's guidelines, but it would have taken me too long to carefully do that. So they're all in alphabetical order--31 tracks of blistering hardcore from Agnostic Front to With Honor. All of which you can find in my "current listening" cd case that I carry with me when I drive anywhere.*
I'm also throwing in this Deathwish Inc. sampler that I picked up the last Embrace Today/Cast Aside show. It has some great stuff on there.
On the note of staying up until 4AM, I wound up skipping Geology lab to sleep an extra hour. Fuck, I should have slept another hour and skipped through Geology lecture.
This day in history:
- United States Navy's birthday; 230 years of naval service
- I graduated bootcamp this day in 2000
- it was also Friday the 13th
- it's "the" ex's birthday; she turns 23 today
- yesterday in 2000 was when the USS Cole was bombed in Yemen, fucking up a big celebration for my bootcamp graduation
*I made this compilation to reflect what I listened to, not to push my music choices onto him as the "right" kind of music.
UPDATE: this will be in the top 5 of the gayest birthdays I've ever had. my baby won't be able to hang out with me this weekend because she has to work. I'm gonna be debating all tomorrow whether or not I will be attending the Ridglea Metal Fest on Saturday now.
TOP 5 GAYEST BIRTHDAYS (no particular order):
1) 22--I spent my birthday in duty status on deployment to Japan. in fact I spent 8 hours of my night (4pm to midnight) on watch at the barracks.
2) 16--I came home from school in a relatively good mood then my dad precedes to yell at me for a few hours straight about how I'm a piece of shit, no one gives 2 fucks that it's my birthday, etc. blah blah blah
3) 19--the previous 3-5 days were great; I was finishing up bootcamp, but my birthday was on the following Monday. All the excitement had died of the weekend and my division were now "ghosts" at RTC in Great Lakes.
4) 18--for over a week I had a really bad cold. my gf at the time came over and hung out for a little bit but had to go. I didn't even get a b-day blowjob.
5) 24--I have only a prediction of how lame it's gonna be. the one thing I wanted--to spend time with my gf--I can't because she got jerked around at work and now can't get the weekend off like she hoped.
I'm also throwing in this Deathwish Inc. sampler that I picked up the last Embrace Today/Cast Aside show. It has some great stuff on there.
On the note of staying up until 4AM, I wound up skipping Geology lab to sleep an extra hour. Fuck, I should have slept another hour and skipped through Geology lecture.

This day in history:
- United States Navy's birthday; 230 years of naval service
- I graduated bootcamp this day in 2000
- it was also Friday the 13th
- it's "the" ex's birthday; she turns 23 today
- yesterday in 2000 was when the USS Cole was bombed in Yemen, fucking up a big celebration for my bootcamp graduation
*I made this compilation to reflect what I listened to, not to push my music choices onto him as the "right" kind of music.

UPDATE: this will be in the top 5 of the gayest birthdays I've ever had. my baby won't be able to hang out with me this weekend because she has to work. I'm gonna be debating all tomorrow whether or not I will be attending the Ridglea Metal Fest on Saturday now.
TOP 5 GAYEST BIRTHDAYS (no particular order):
1) 22--I spent my birthday in duty status on deployment to Japan. in fact I spent 8 hours of my night (4pm to midnight) on watch at the barracks.
2) 16--I came home from school in a relatively good mood then my dad precedes to yell at me for a few hours straight about how I'm a piece of shit, no one gives 2 fucks that it's my birthday, etc. blah blah blah
3) 19--the previous 3-5 days were great; I was finishing up bootcamp, but my birthday was on the following Monday. All the excitement had died of the weekend and my division were now "ghosts" at RTC in Great Lakes.
4) 18--for over a week I had a really bad cold. my gf at the time came over and hung out for a little bit but had to go. I didn't even get a b-day blowjob.
5) 24--I have only a prediction of how lame it's gonna be. the one thing I wanted--to spend time with my gf--I can't because she got jerked around at work and now can't get the weekend off like she hoped.
i understand 16-23 have been garbage.. Soon I'll turn 24 in a place where i don't know anyone. Whoop dee fucking doo

Birthdays are stupid.