Monday morning and I'm still here on Suicide Girls. It's almost kind of odd, considering knowing what awaits at the stroke of midnight (or 2am considering I opened the account when I was still in Washington). Everything seems so quiet today, even when blaring My Son My Executioner in my truck.
A substitue professor in Psychology.
Introduction of opera in Music Appreciation. (I really want...
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A substitue professor in Psychology.
Introduction of opera in Music Appreciation. (I really want...
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My birthday today has been nothing but chill. I wholeheartedly thank every one of you that wished me well today. Love to all y'all niggas!
I didn't do much today, except for wake up late to text messages from my girl. After I finally got up and took a shower, my mom called me to say her happy birthday to her boy and told me...
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I didn't do much today, except for wake up late to text messages from my girl. After I finally got up and took a shower, my mom called me to say her happy birthday to her boy and told me...
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sweeet im gladyou knew i watched biodome!
well bro, it's been a hell of a ride. good times and bad....see you when i get back to the states...
::wanders off to find a new partner for adventures in verbal abuse::
peace bro.
::wanders off to find a new partner for adventures in verbal abuse::
peace bro.
The Ridglea Metalfest was great. All of my friends from Dallas Hardcore were there and the bands were PHENOMENAL, even when I've seen them a dozen times.
6PM--My Son My Executioner hit the main stage and just KILLED. I saw Randy Ran cold cock some metal asshole for being a piece of shit.
The top joint of my thumb (which got hurt at Madball...
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6PM--My Son My Executioner hit the main stage and just KILLED. I saw Randy Ran cold cock some metal asshole for being a piece of shit.

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How about "shit for brains"? Now, that's really just too harsh, don't you think?
haha. you make me giggle. good man good man.
Yea my graduating song was...oh hmm thats right, nevermind.

Happy Birthday!!!!!! I hope its fantastic

Happy Birthday!!!!!! I hope its fantastic

So I stayed up until 4AM finishing up this compilation for this kid at work because I kept fucking up ripping songs from cds and burning them. I would have organized them as per Rob Gordon's guidelines, but it would have taken me too long to carefully do that. So they're all in alphabetical order--31 tracks of blistering hardcore from Agnostic Front to With...
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i understand 16-23 have been garbage.. Soon I'll turn 24 in a place where i don't know anyone. Whoop dee fucking doo

Birthdays are stupid.
Tonight is another night at work. LAME! But oh well, we gotta get them papers, ya know what I'm sayin'?
There's this kid that works in produce that is so much in dire need for some REAL music so I'm planning to make him a mix cd of the stuff I listen to, about 25 songs/bands worth of all hardcore. This kid is cool, but...
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There's this kid that works in produce that is so much in dire need for some REAL music so I'm planning to make him a mix cd of the stuff I listen to, about 25 songs/bands worth of all hardcore. This kid is cool, but...
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no actually I wasnt thinking "whatever" in my little way.
I was however thinking that I knew that aready... I was also thinking that my face has been less than an inch away from that tattoo like a hundred fucking times. I know what it looks like, trust me.
I was however thinking that I knew that aready... I was also thinking that my face has been less than an inch away from that tattoo like a hundred fucking times. I know what it looks like, trust me.
yea I guess you dont smile very much....although when I see you, your usually pissed off and arguing with me.
But I still luv ya.

But I still luv ya.

So, here's a breakdown of what's gonna be going on in the next week:
tonight: work [CHECK]
tomorrow: work
Thursday: work
Friday: nothing planned, probably chillin like a villain, more than likely work
Saturday: Ridglea Metal Fest (hopefully no work)
Sunday: 24 years of shame and disgrace aka MY BIRTHDAY; she will be with me
Monday: she's with me still until I probably go to...
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tonight: work [CHECK]
tomorrow: work
Thursday: work
Friday: nothing planned, probably chillin like a villain, more than likely work
Saturday: Ridglea Metal Fest (hopefully no work)
Sunday: 24 years of shame and disgrace aka MY BIRTHDAY; she will be with me
Monday: she's with me still until I probably go to...
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cool you listened Trust. By the way, they're touring europe right now
do you remember this movie? yeah, the one that started it all.

do you remember this movie? yeah, the one that started it all.
88 Fingers Louie, "I've Won"
I recall the time that changed my whole fucking life
Call it fate, call it what you want, but it happened to me
Some people go through life searching for this thing called love
Call it fate, call it what you want, but it happened to me
And I can't believe the way she makes me feel inside
When I'm...
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I recall the time that changed my whole fucking life
Call it fate, call it what you want, but it happened to me
Some people go through life searching for this thing called love
Call it fate, call it what you want, but it happened to me
And I can't believe the way she makes me feel inside
When I'm...
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now that's a crew i can get into.
dude, i know this comment is late, but that was pretty fucking emo man....kidding of course.
fucking lucky bastard.
fucking lucky bastard.
my BOSS Mega Distortion pedal is broken. I went to change out the 9V battery and the ground lead (black wire) broke at the soldering point where it connects to the battery. I'd solder it back, but I don't have a soldering iron.
I do, however, have a 1-year warranty on it. Until then it's ghetto-punk-pump-up-the-gain distortion until I get a new pedal in (or...
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I do, however, have a 1-year warranty on it. Until then it's ghetto-punk-pump-up-the-gain distortion until I get a new pedal in (or...
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just go on and shave yer damn head mike. it's low maintainance and chicks dig it.
god, i love the stomp boxes.....!
I received my orders to my new reserve drill unit: NR Commander, Naval Forces Korea, Det B. What does that mean? I have no fucking clue, either, except for that means definite annual training dets to Korea. Doesn't matter to me, because I'm hoping to re-enlist and be back in Whidbey Island in January, long before I'm due to go on annual training.
Don't have...
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Don't have...
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i said "cheese" numbnuts, not "cheesecake"...goddamn illiterate sailors...
how many straightedge kids does it take to drink a six pack of beer?
just one if nobody's looking...
how many straightedge kids does it take to drink a six pack of beer?
just one if nobody's looking...

How long do these training stints last? a couple of weeks?
and don't be surprised if your account doesn't go away on time.....sometimes it can linger, from what i've read.....