ok. so im gonna leave my pic. i dont have my other one. oh well. its kinda like my "alter-ego" hehe. in normal life, im a regular student, who owns a business (not telling which!) , has a girlfriend, and still lives at home..but on here, im alot darker, more mysterious, and i wear makeup! muahaha. im so evil! hahah.

lulu- the hair dye is...
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not that anyone actually reads my journal but ill update it anyways. i got a manicure and a peticure last night with my mom and girlfriend, hahah it was pretty fun. i also started back in school today...so far it looks pretty easy.

in other news....umm.....im putting my normal picture back up instead of the funny makeup one. i dont normally wear makeup...so its kinda...
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i like your user pic...what brand of dye did you use for your hair? I wanna do my hair that color so bad!
meah, screw school. rise up in the caffateria and stab them with your plastic forks.
hmmmm. whats it been, like a month and a day since my last journal update? yeah, my computer doesnt work right now, so im using my moms, hehehe, something funny about being logged into suicide girls on my moms business computer that just makes me laugh.

so yeah, to all whove read my posts on here (my knee feels better now, thank you lulu), and...
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i dont think anyone notices...but im not online much anymore. my computers been a pile, and ive been too busy to get on here much.

life is good though! i never knew what i was missing until i met the girl im dating now. a GOOD relationship is well worth the risk and the wait. hmm, aside from that, i just keep dumping more and...
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hope your knee gets better!
Man, if only I could find a good relationship.....its almost an oxymoron....
havent been on in awhile, computer was taken outa commision for repairs and such. i also finished my race truck and that did well, its amazing what that thing can handle.

that girl im dating is now my girlfriend, shes way cute and um.. *fun* =). its all about cute smart college girls with glasses and a taste for purple haired boys in black hehe....
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this week and weekend have been very good to me. met a girl, had a great time, and now were dating =) . its odd, im sooo used to being single its nice to have someone, i stayed in her dorm last night and came home at 8 am, and my mom noticed that my shirt was inside out (haha BUSTED) . oh well...it was...
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You like Rad?! Have you seen BMX Bandits?
i don't know how you could be single with purple hair. Dude...RAD
hmm. friday, all too soon actually. im driving up to anaheim in a min....errgh. thats a fun hour and half there and back just to be somewhere for about 20 mins.

my hands are purple. i neglected to wash out my purple die last night, and ended up with purple face, hands, and pillows. but hey, i left the dye in overnight so this shits...
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why anaheim?
parts run..how FUN huh!. i fucking hate traffic up there....uggh
ok. its night time now...looking back the day wasnt TOO horrible. i got paid back some of the money i was owed..so i have a little bit of money to at least get the deadline thing out of the way... and i got a job offer...we'll see about that. now i just need to sell those piles of crap and buy something made within the...
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If you sold the parts to the three cars you have that don't drive, you'd have money, and a sort of a job... Kill a couple birds with your three cars, yannow?
i actually woke up at a decent time today, now i just need to stop slackin and get away from my computer. hmmm. back to work i guess

they changed my favorite 80s channel into another rock channel, its pretty good...but damnit, what am i gonna do when i want 80s music.
hmmm. sunday bloody sunday. how to sum up the weekend...saw 8 mile last night, worked all day today, and probably gonna work all day tomorow. yay for that.

i dont like rap...but ive had that song that is the "theme" song to 8 mile stuck in my fuckin head for about 2 days now.....haha
well...the weeks treated me good. i went to a shop to get some parts...and ended up getting offered a job and the guy wanted to buy the car im trying to sell. then i come home and some guy in italy wants to give me 5 grand to engineer and build the suspension on his race truck. happy days. me and magenta decided that AFI...
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hmm, tuesday, and its over. i still lag on my journal entries, sorry. anyways, the last few days are dragging. and now i have too much stuff in one week to do. damn my procrastination. i wish i was a little less needed by people...mike sleeter (this pro supercross racer guy) needs me to help him do some custom sheet metal stuff on his truck,...
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