Bad day, bad news ... 
Yesterday, she said to me she took her decision. Her husband maked a lot of efforts and changes to save their wedding. Result : this is the end of our story. She stay with her husband and i stay alone one more time.

The most strange is that I'm not so sad than that because I think she will be happy. And I know she'll always love me but she wants to give a second chance to her wedding.
I just hope to find another woman like her. Luckily, she always wants to talk to me and she wants that we stay friends and she told me that she always wants me but she doesn't let herself do that.
Tomorow will be another day ...

Yesterday, she said to me she took her decision. Her husband maked a lot of efforts and changes to save their wedding. Result : this is the end of our story. She stay with her husband and i stay alone one more time.

The most strange is that I'm not so sad than that because I think she will be happy. And I know she'll always love me but she wants to give a second chance to her wedding.
I just hope to find another woman like her. Luckily, she always wants to talk to me and she wants that we stay friends and she told me that she always wants me but she doesn't let herself do that.
Tomorow will be another day ...
Je n'aime pas ces histoires o les gens qui s'aiment se sparent... Je ne pense pas que de l'amiti puisse survivre dans ces conditions... Je l'espre pour vous si vraiment c'est ce que vous souhaitez tous les deux... mais si tu continues l'aimer, le fait de la voir, de lui parler rgulirement te fera souffrir encore et encore...
Gros bisous... et pardon d'avoir dit ce que je pensais...
parait-il que donner de l'amiti quelqu'un qui attend de l'amour c'est comme donner manger celui qui a soif...enfin bref, tu risques de te rendre malheureux.
ne l'oublies pas, ne gardes que les bons moments en souvenir, mais passes autre chose.
je suis d'acc avec Go Oz aussi toutes les SG sont moiti folle dinguo (moi compris bien sur)