Normal general crap in my life. I am lookiing for work and am having problems finding it. I am going to a huge media fair on Thursday to try and find some ways into work. I have just applied to be a photographer for a film company and general work experience for the BBC. I got to hit people at the weekend always fun though...
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Wow thanks! We both have 2 friends now! Welcome to my world miao!!
Sometimes i am really dumb. I spent 32 today om something I didn't want and thought only cost 12. Not until I paid for it did I notice that it said that it cost 32 pounds I tried to navagate away from the page without proceeding but somehow it read it as take my money.
For the first time in years I didn't go out and cellibrate on Halloween. This show what my life is currently like. I have lots of things I want to do but things keep coming up which mean that I am unable to do them. Where I am working was interesting, I filmed a Q & A for Nigerian film makers which was cool. As...
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Well for some stupid reason I have come back to SG probably because I am bored. I have restarted my original account which I deactivated 2 years ago instead of my last account which I deactivated 2 months ago. (because it was cheaper). Now I have to build up everything again from scratch again.