So tonight I went and got groceries then came home and made apple crisp and some other treats for my friends for our little drinking binge tomorrow night...but I didn't even have it out of the oven for 5 minutes before my brother attacked it. My friends will be disappointed
I really like my photography course so far, the only part that sucks is smelling like chemicals after being the in the dark room for most the day. Printmaking I'm definately not liking, I've sliced open a number of fingers while doing the etchings.
Ahhh...ten more days and I am going to Talisman to snowboard with some friends. I'm realllly excited since I haven't had the chance to do much yet this year.
Everyone have a good day tomorrow!!

I really like my photography course so far, the only part that sucks is smelling like chemicals after being the in the dark room for most the day. Printmaking I'm definately not liking, I've sliced open a number of fingers while doing the etchings.
Ahhh...ten more days and I am going to Talisman to snowboard with some friends. I'm realllly excited since I haven't had the chance to do much yet this year.

Everyone have a good day tomorrow!!

that sux that your brother ate your apple crisps i don't really know what thats like because i'm the older brother who eats everything my little sister makes we don't have photography at the art institute we have intro to video and photoshop classes which isn't the same at all but i wish we had photography classes, oh thanks for the comment i'm more bummed that my moms sad not that i'm alone for shitty valentines day, have fun snow boarding what's that like i've never done it before because i've only seen snow twice while existing on this ball of water dirt and rock.
Photography was one of my favorite courses, but i liked the chemicals
And i am so jealous you are going snowboarding almost all the mountians closed down here due to a freak heat wave. oh well always next year.