the weekend was silliness. i think the highlight was an imax under the sea thinger in 3D. Totally amazing. Of course we stopped for some Absolut Citron first and devoired it during the movie. Tuppling with kiddies around is possibly tragic, but who likes being sober? Not me. Later I MISSED the Ford Modeling Agency party to go to Chicago with my mother instead. Mistake. But I did manage to pick up some great wines. I mean really great. But I missed my girls. They called in the middle of the night and sent cellphone pics of various sundry activities. I miss them, I really do. Apparently I missed meeting the guy from Entourage. . preston something? I don't watch entourage, preferring to have my own. Saturday I got drunk along the lake then ended up at an all lesbian (except me) bachelorette party. Yeah, that got completely utterly out of control. Why do some lesbians like cock so much? Weird. I'm going boating with some of them later in the week. Sunday I woke up and promised myself. I mean reallky promised, that I'd lay off the sauce for a while. I should be bleeding internally. Of course, tonight I'm probably going out again. I'm a sinner. I am so ashamed. . .
More Blogs
Monday Oct 04, 2010
Back? Weird -
Saturday Sep 09, 2006
I haven't updated in forever. It has been a busy Summer! I hope all… -
Thursday Aug 10, 2006
Lovelies, it has been too long. Summer is always so hectic. I hope … -
Tuesday Jul 18, 2006
when we are young and beautiful we should be dreaming. -
Friday Jul 14, 2006
ait bitches. i went to a new retaurant last night. the best in town s… -
Wednesday Jul 12, 2006
The week is going quickly. I've been really groggy the last few days… -
Monday Jul 10, 2006
I went to chi-town over the weekend. We stayed at the James Hotel, w… -
Friday Jul 07, 2006
Last night I went out with mah boyz. We met up wid sum bitchez and d… -
Thursday Jul 06, 2006
I'm finalizing mah trip to chi-tinz. I'm gonna c mah boy puzzle spin … -
Wednesday Jul 05, 2006
I am back from vacation.