thank you for the bday well-wishes. my bday was days & days of over-partying. thus, no update until now. i shudder to think what 30 will be like if 29 was this bad.
summer is in full swing. people are sweating in very skimpy clothing and trying to stay cool at night with tall, cold, drinks.
i play with a new guitar player tomorrow night. i met him drunk and i hope my judgement was in any way correct. i wince a little bit at the prospect, but i need a new guitar player baad. what i really need is a girl guitar player. but they are hard to come by.
i hope everyone is getting drunk and laid and riding two wheeled vehicles. may the leather stick to your thighs. . .
thank you for the bday well-wishes. my bday was days & days of over-partying. thus, no update until now. i shudder to think what 30 will be like if 29 was this bad.
summer is in full swing. people are sweating in very skimpy clothing and trying to stay cool at night with tall, cold, drinks.
i play with a new guitar player tomorrow night. i met him drunk and i hope my judgement was in any way correct. i wince a little bit at the prospect, but i need a new guitar player baad. what i really need is a girl guitar player. but they are hard to come by.
i hope everyone is getting drunk and laid and riding two wheeled vehicles. may the leather stick to your thighs. . .