Dirty fun weekend. I went to my favorite blues singer, Eddie 'the chief' Clearwater. I'm not a blues fan, but this ex-pimp from Chicago gets up on stage in a full indian headress and croons. Later, our posse went dancing. I'd had a few too many so when someone asked 'where's the afterbar' i somehow found my place volunteered. A gaggle of girls from the old raverporn days showed up and my party quickly decended into one of the lower rungs of the inferno. There was a professional chef too . . so at 4:30 in the morning he's cooking up stuff (not that most of us were hungry), everyone's into my wine cellar, chamagne is everywhere, including the ceiling, and there are too many topless people to count. i woke up finding money and odd gifts all over the place (pottery for herbs? a cd of old BBC comedies? bras?) i slept all day Sunday.
topless people and food you say? what joyous rapturous fun! I want to come to your next one.
^^Ditto. I want an invite dammit.