Since the car explosion episode I am becoming acquainted with the bus system. Which is a bit of an adventure. I could cab, but I like cabbing less than the bus (except in a real city). At least on the bus you can make up stories about all the wierdos.

I've been trying to listen to some of the new music coming out. I find...
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car trouble sucks
My car exploded this morning. It has been freezing cold, so I rev it a little in the morning to get her going. Well, this morning there were explosions. Large smoldering chunks coughed out of the tail-pipe along with sparks and flames. I think maybe my car leads a double life, driving recklessly without me in the middle of the night. My mechanic told me...
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does the whiskey really work?

yeah.. i didn't think the fire alarm was funny last night, cuz we were prepping for our test next week... plus it was my favorite class.. whatever

my favorite fire alarm yet.. is when you're at the movie theatre.. blush
Oh, my God! I hate cars, that's terrifying.
Manko is the fourth rice crispy. If you listen really really closely to the commercial it says "snap, crackle, pop, manko. . .rice crispies."

This weekend I imbibed alcohol, read, and got my car stuck in the driveway. That's right, my own driveway. It died across the sidewalk on an incline. Brill.

I don't know what is happening to me but I decided to bake...
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I'm hoping at least there was snow involved with this car thing.
yup i can't wait for it to be over
Yesterday it snowed so mightily that everyone stayed home. I spent the day getting new music and reading. I finished Lost Illusion and now I'm on to Tristam Shandy.

Agent Provocateur finally refunded me for a few, ahem, articles that I tried to get from them. Next time I try to buy something I'm going to go to the store.

I want to go snowboarding!...
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well if you can't start staying sober this week, there's always next week.

I love Agent Provocateur's lingerie. Hopefully one day I can afford some. frown
Every third Wednesday I choose where our workgroup goes to lunch. This is a highly sensitive decision. Usually, I try to choose something as awful and campy as I can. (Quaker Steak& Lube). Today I chose World Buffet. Not just Chinese, ladies and gentlemen, WORLD.

I have absolutely nothing to report. I spent the evening drinking champagne and reading Lost Ilussions. The book is taking...
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OOoooh you like french bulldogs.. they are so cute love x
hi new friend! wink
I lost my work cellphone this morning. I've already been home once to check if I left it there. I know I had it this morning. Ridiculous.

I'm going a little stir crazy.

It is very difficult finding a barista who can make a dry capuccino.

Happy Valentines!
My weekend was quiet. I spent a lot of it reading Lost Illusions and eating Indian food. My grandfather is on his deathbed and I'm more or less in limbo waiting for the funeral phone call.

I watched Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man. They should play the documentary as an anti-drugs after school special.

I went through my cd collection and decided to get rid of...
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my condolences. frown

(that last pic in the last journal love )
I woke up early and went to the bakery to get donuts for work. I hadn't been to this bakery in over 5 years ( I used to go at bartime when I was younger). The co-workers seem to be enjoying them.

I watched Curse of the Wererabbit last night. Very creative. I enjoyed the shivering rabbits most of all.

Some of my friends are...
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My apartment is cold. Not only is it cold, but when the crazy eastern european woman does laundry at 6 AM, the rest of the building doesn't have hot water. Exhibit this morning: Waking, cold. Shower, cold. Now I'm at work in my office: also, inexplicably cold. Last night I ate some Indonesian peanut stew (recipe found in Waitrose) and wrote a letter to my...
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I watched Million Dollar Baby last night. I was suprised at how formulaic, how much like a Hallmark Sunday night special it was. Sure, it pulled me along, but it wasn't any sort of masterpiece. In fact, it was just a pile of tired cliches.

Then I watched Last Tango in Paris again. One of the best, most bizarre movies ever made.

I think I'm...
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Ooo juicy!
I stayed out until about 8 AM Friday night. On Saturday I woke up still sort of dizzy and drunk around 4PM. I had an art party to attend and then a b-day after that. Somehow I made it through both. Sunday was a bit more normal. I cooked and read. My new bass arrived so I put new strings on it and played most...
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sorry to hear about the 6 grand. eeek

I'd be drinking too.