i've been reading orhan pamuk's Snow. I picked it up just to have something easy to read on the bus, but now I'm completely enthralled with it. The writing is awful-- translated from Turkish-- but the characters are vibrant and unstrained. The book follows a journalist to the remote city of kars where he is trying to find out why young girls are committing suicide....
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The book sounds intriguing.
Today is boiling over. It must be spring fever. Everyone is nuts. I have more to do than I can manage. So I surf the web instead. take that, work.

I somehow overdrafted my account. My bank started charging me overdraft fees on the overdraft fees. It would be humorous if it weren't my money. I have been threatening to switch banks and now I...
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definatly...i'll find the scariest biker and take a photo of him!hehe
You poor boy...
Come visit me in Chur and we'll take a trip to nowhere!
Then we will see some things you couldnt imagine xD
Spring is super hot!
Spring is horniness!
I need love,take that,sadness.
The weekend was long and relaxing. I went running around and shopping all day Saturday. Then at night I went to a couple of bars. Sunday was a bit of recovery, but it was beautiful weather so I slept in the sun for a while.
Sounds like my wonderful weekend.
A guy who shops?
Amazing xD
it rained all day yesterday...so i just stayed in bed! smile

first i went to an art opening entitled Spring Break 06! It involved a lot of sand, boys in thongs, and rum.

then i went to an electric six show. Fire in the Disco! Danger! Danger!

I finished Through the Looking Glass

I've started Orhan Pamuk's Snow

I bought a new york strip steak to cook tonight but it is going to be snowing so I can't grill it. usually i don't eat meat.

i watched a documentary on Yves st Laurent last night.

i love androgyny. in fact, i'm working on a novel with it as the central theme.

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oh man! that pearl necklace picture sounds hot love I wish I could have seen! I have a thing for that certain activity. I'm sick.

I have a picture like that on my celly. I was gonna post it but I figured it would have been too much. even for sg haha

[Edited on Mar 23, 2006 11:58PM]
i thought six impossible thoughts before breakfast.

i'm nearly done with Through the Looking Glass. i tried to pick up natalie sauratte's The Planetarium, but I just couldn't get into it. again. So now I'm bookless. I think I'll just find something that looks interesting on the NYT best seller list.

last night i made tilapia wrapped in a banana leaf and baked. its a...
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I wish I was in Scotland everytime I was inhebriated.
hmm an indian buffet sounds nice.

I remember I took a girl to the buffet on a date. She refused to go in, ranting about buffet food. So we hopped back in the car and ended up in Times Square- and ate at Planet Hollywood! smile

Go the easy route- throw in some nude/half-naked pics, that's how I spice mine up.

[Edited on Mar 23, 2006 1:32AM]
Last night I went to my fav bar after work. Then I went to my next favorite bar for a glass of wine and food. Unfortunately, this was rather dull )ie. the staff sucked), so I went on to yet another restaurant and found a couple of my fav bartenders: justin & aaron. I ate some sort of pork shoulder sandwich and drank a "charlie...
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Dirty fun weekend. I went to my favorite blues singer, Eddie 'the chief' Clearwater. I'm not a blues fan, but this ex-pimp from Chicago gets up on stage in a full indian headress and croons. Later, our posse went dancing. I'd had a few too many so when someone asked 'where's the afterbar' i somehow found my place volunteered. A gaggle of girls from the...
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topless people and food you say? what joyous rapturous fun! I want to come to your next one. wink
^^Ditto. I want an invite dammit.
I'm hungover. Last night's best quote: "she's less succubus and more suck on the bus."
Friday is you freeday... xD
Just relax a bit...its good for your soul
lol which is better? The former or the latter?
My ex is dating one of my friends. Of course they haven't told me, they just act awkward around me. This is retarded because I would think it was great they were dating-- they are a pretty good fit. But I don't understand why they couldn't have just let me know like adults. Instead now I feel they are both crummy and I don't want...
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That is seriously one of my favorite books! Have you read through the looking glass?
i never really understood that "rule": dont' date a friends ex cause it's like, there is a reason they are an ex, so who cares who else they date. right?
I went out last night. yee haw. i'm a little hungover.

i started a bit too early yesterday so by the time everyone was out, i was done. i felt a little boring/was a little bored. but i still saw a couple of people i wanted to. . . a couple new girls.

i'm eating chinese for lunch.

Someone I was out with last night...
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Lol that's wierd.
Yesterday I went with some co-workers for some Mexican food at lunch. Then I accidentally had enchiladas at dinner. Today I might switch to another cuisine. Lunch, for instance, might be a tuna sandwich.

Last night I continued to read Heidegger. It isn't terribly slow going but I do feel myself getting a little mired. I've been reading some secondary sources just to make sure...
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I dont know I was just wondering why you want to be my friend.....