The weekend was fantastic. Friday, I can't remember. Saturday I went to a bbq and hung out all afternoon in the sun eating- what else- brats. Sunday morning I went over to a friend's house for Easter brunch. Then in the afternoon I spent hours going through old photos and throwing them out. I finished with about 10 lbs. in the garbage. I thought it...
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Yesterday I was too hungover to update. Today it is T-storming. I have a weekend of bbq's and easter brunches to look forward to.
Sounds like a fun weekend. Enjoy!
thunder is fun
It has been raining and everything has that hot musty spring rain smell. And it is stifflingly hot in the office, where the ventilation system has yet to be switched over to air. Everyone is walking around sweating. I'd go down to my Tshirt if it weren't the fact that it is pink. Not b/c I bought it that way, but b/c it started out...
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i hate when it first starts to get warm and no place wants to turn their damn air on!!
I stayed home yesterday in bed, hence no post frown I finally tore down the plastic on the front room windows and felt the warm spring breeze. I watched Bound, the first wachowski bro film. I thought it would be better.

The weekend invovled a lot of grilling. Grilling and driving a black Dodge Avenger. Silly car, but fun.

I also dyed easter eggs.

You got your car, that's great. I really like Bound.
Friday I went to my fav bar after work and hung out with my good friend Tom (who I hadn't seen in weeks). I was in bed by 10:30. But the upside is it is a beautiful day today and I feel much better--

I have to work briefly this morning but then I'm off to a coffee shop to read. Hopefully I can finish...
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Send me some of your goodness. Please! I need it!!!
you finish a book in a day regularly? that's cool

Yesterday was pretty rough. I spent the day running around and then ended up with a killer headache (the kind that makes you nearly blind). I went home early and had a few drinks and felt better by late evening. I ended up making it to the Gogol Bordello show afterall. They were funny. The show was good people watching.

I've been reading Goethe's Elective...
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ya maybe u should try cheerful books and movies o ya and definately some vodka smile
urg those headaches suck frown glad the drinks cured it. blackeyed
I woke up knowing this would be a bad day. I was already in a foul mood. Sure enough, the phone calls started pouring in and it was a state of emergency less than an hour later. Now I have so many fires burning I am updating this instead of even dealing with them. Viva Wednesday.
hey take the world on with a positive attitude it may not always help but it'll annoy the hell out of people smile
word, but if your gonna be in a bad mood, do it big biggrin
ok, lovelies. i'm high on caffeine so hold on.

i did an awful thing last night: i watched Elektra. The bad woman with the killer breath? yeah, she was a good metaphor for the entire film. but it entertained me well enough.

i was supposed to play tennis today with a friend but i'm feigning business (which is almost true). here's the trouble: i have...
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ive tried jogging before and couldnt do it. yet i find a treadmill works fine, i dont know why. anyways enjoy your caffeine high and your shows smile
Friday night I went to a national lawyers guild party/fundraiser. It was at my old friend Esch's house and it was good to see him. I used to hang out with him years ago, but we've drifted apart since. My friend Breggin, who owns a bar and is thus busy most weekends, managed to sneak away and join me and we jabbered on drunkenly about...
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shopping shoppin shopping...oh,how it brings a smile to my face!
mwah ha ha ha

*dances profusely*

ima funnah guy

on crack that is


I've been so fricken busy at work all week and it just isn't letting up. I need the weekend!
The weekend is here my dear!
Enjoy it and dont stay up all night
Thought I would stop by and say hey smile yay for the weekend.
I stayed in last night drinking wine and reading. It is going to be 67 degrees here today and I am going to declare a work emergency in order to make it outside. Maybe I'll pull the fire alarm.

I really need a new car. I think I'm going to get a lexus. Because they are still almost cool enough and they're Japanese and therefore...
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