thank you for the input!!!
for now i'll still stick to what i know, because i have only had my camera since may 2010.
that's why i feel safe just upgrading.. i also don't know any technical terms... i just know how to make pictures look the way i want them... one day i hope to take a course so i can learn everything and be able to talk like a REAL photographer hahaha
but one day way down the road when i have more money, i'll switch everything up probably, i have heard from others that canon is pretty sweet, and i have been told lenses are cheaper with canon?
if you buy L series lenses then they aren't any cheaper. L series is their top of the line lenses.
I understand though I had a D80 then upgraded to a D90 then to a D300 and finally a D700 which I still have but when I got into the ad world everyone used Canon so I slowly migrated over so now I've got a 5D and a 1D with a bunch of lenses. Nikon's certainly aren't bad in any regard I just think Canon's have a propensity to look better in camera then the Nikon's .
Anyway as long as your happy taking photos is all that matters.
for now i'll still stick to what i know, because i have only had my camera since may 2010.
that's why i feel safe just upgrading.. i also don't know any technical terms... i just know how to make pictures look the way i want them... one day i hope to take a course so i can learn everything and be able to talk like a REAL photographer
but one day way down the road when i have more money, i'll switch everything up probably, i have heard from others that canon is pretty sweet, and i have been told lenses are cheaper with canon?
I understand though I had a D80 then upgraded to a D90 then to a D300 and finally a D700 which I still have but when I got into the ad world everyone used Canon so I slowly migrated over so now I've got a 5D and a 1D with a bunch of lenses. Nikon's certainly aren't bad in any regard I just think Canon's have a propensity to look better in camera then the Nikon's .
Anyway as long as your happy taking photos is all that matters.
This is my favorite Nikon lens however. Takes awesome photos.