Posi-Song of the day? Reclaimation by Set It Straight. Get into it or gtfo.
Ps. Talked to a recruiter today. Said they will accept me... I have a lot of thinking to do.
All I can fucking think about is what they are doing with each other... I am in so much emotional pain right now. I just don't want to care. I don't even know why I am writing on here. Does it matter? Does any of this matter? I can't forgive this. I don't wish what I feel on my worst enemy. You can't justify it.... Read More
As you grow up you learn that the one person that was never suppose to let us down probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe fall in love with them and forget that time is flying by. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. You just have to... Read More
Update: I am getting a divorce, I am still in School, I've lost weight (in a healthy way), I am filling my time with the gym and going to shows, I am signed up for 4 classes next semester. I decided I am getting my MD in Sports Health Sciences up at the University of Utah.
My son is the center of my life and... Read More
I fucking hate Community College just so you are all aware. It's clicky and I feel like I am back in High School. I made the decision to only make friends with people who actually try instead of just "Hey can I add you on Facebook or txt you sometime?! We should kick it!" it just comes off desperate and creepy and I honestly have... Read More
For anyone who was at the Bring Me The Hairspray show. Olie Sykes or whatever his name got what he deserved. Spitting on fans is so unbecoming. And also the fans throwing beer down at the pitt and then all the little metal bros roid raging with little man complex! Stop getting mad brahs. We just trying to have fun.