God, I'm in a bad mood in these days, I'm always yelling with my mother for every silly reason.
Actually is not a good period.
My family is splitting again. I guess i'm living in a soap opera.
My uncle and aunt are divorcing and i' so worried about how my 12-years-old cousin will react to this. The other uncle has a very rare syndrome and he can't use any muscle at all, so he wan't play with his 1 year old kid.
I'm worried about these stuff, I feel so sorry, i know i can't do anything but i would.
I also have 3 exam to pass for this semester, i have to work to make my cousin study because she's not god at all at school and i have to follow the maintenace works for my new house.
I'm so tired but i can't sleep, i'm working a lot so i won't think to these things.
But GOOD NEW on thuesday i'm partying with my favourite SGs
Dalila Erzsebet and Daphne (check her new amazing SET)
my english always sucks.
Actually is not a good period.
My family is splitting again. I guess i'm living in a soap opera.
My uncle and aunt are divorcing and i' so worried about how my 12-years-old cousin will react to this. The other uncle has a very rare syndrome and he can't use any muscle at all, so he wan't play with his 1 year old kid.
I'm worried about these stuff, I feel so sorry, i know i can't do anything but i would.
I also have 3 exam to pass for this semester, i have to work to make my cousin study because she's not god at all at school and i have to follow the maintenace works for my new house.
I'm so tired but i can't sleep, i'm working a lot so i won't think to these things.
But GOOD NEW on thuesday i'm partying with my favourite SGs
Dalila Erzsebet and Daphne (check her new amazing SET)
my english always sucks.
wooooow milli soldi!!!!
anke io ne ho un p! infatti il pensiero del tattoo comincia a prendere forma
ma io al posto dei soldi vorrei milli cuori. anzi pure uno solo cuoro. tu mi dai un pezzettino del tuo?
dai. piccolino!
io ti amo!