I don't know if I had ever told you about it but someday, while I was walking around town with my girlfriend, a few months ago, a young man came to talk to us.
"Excuse me, I don't want to annoy you but, do you know what the Bible says about Homosexuality?"
I just answered "Yes we do, fuck it." and left. But I really kept that in mind. Do these people really have nothing better to do in their lives than come and annoy happy people in the streets? Damn it!
So today I just want to feature a very very interesting video. It's a Youtuber's video who's known as Zinnia Jones and is whether a drag or a transexual (I really don't know and don't really care). I know lots of you are Christians so you might be upset with this video, but I'm agnostic and I don't believe in anything except what has been proved (by the way the non-existence of God hasn't been proved either so I just don't talk about him.). Anyway, she's really interesting, I've been watching most of her videos today. I'm not talking about trying to convince you or so, it makes just people think. And I find this is what misses our society the most those days.
Here's her channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ZJemptv
And this is the video I wanted you to watch:
Appart from that I've also decided to create my own channel about LGBT issues to create discussions. I just created it today and posted my very first video.
Here's the link to my channel (PLEASE subscribe!) where I'm gonna post a new video on every tuesday!! :
And here's the link to my first video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XukMdGdDUbY&feature=plcp
Oh and look at this picture: it just makes me SO angry!
And this is more for the laugh, to end this post with a smile!
Thanks for reading. Please comment, and don't forget to subscribe to my very new channel!
Oh tes adorable