And I got to fire my very first person today. He was still asleep, so he'll find out in about 20 minutes when he checkes his voicemail.
I feel kinda bad, but he was a horrible employee, and was starting to rub off on everyone else. At least they know that acting like him is not acceptable now.
And, as another note... breakups suck, whether or not you see them coming. I always feel so empty inside afterward.
Ah well, no biggy. I'm just a wuss.
I feel kinda bad, but he was a horrible employee, and was starting to rub off on everyone else. At least they know that acting like him is not acceptable now.
And, as another note... breakups suck, whether or not you see them coming. I always feel so empty inside afterward.
Ah well, no biggy. I'm just a wuss.
So you say you're a wuss and yet you fired a guy by voicemail? Dude that was pure evil, you should be proud!!!