Aqui les dejo una muestra de mi trabajo, en este caso maquillaje y fotografia a una pinup de la pagina "SAMBALLON", quien tiene ahora en review este set "Coffe Break"!
Dense una vuelta por ahi y dejen su voto porque realmente creo que la modelo dio mucho de ella, puso mucha actitud y estaria bueno que se lo premien!
Gracias Samballon por laburar juntas, realmente lo pasamos bien
Here's a little preview of some more work, in this case, makeup and photografy to a model from here, "SAMBALLON", who has a set on member review : "Coffe Break"!
Have a look at it and leave your vote because I really think that the model put all of her heart to it, she put a lot of attitude and it would be great if she could be rewarded for that! vote!!
Dense una vuelta por ahi y dejen su voto porque realmente creo que la modelo dio mucho de ella, puso mucha actitud y estaria bueno que se lo premien!

Gracias Samballon por laburar juntas, realmente lo pasamos bien
Here's a little preview of some more work, in this case, makeup and photografy to a model from here, "SAMBALLON", who has a set on member review : "Coffe Break"!
Have a look at it and leave your vote because I really think that the model put all of her heart to it, she put a lot of attitude and it would be great if she could be rewarded for that!

You are such a superstar.
Your doing a great job with your photography