so i put up some pics, but they all turned out shitty...i'm pretty annoyed. i used to enjoy how my relatively cheap camera took suprisingly good pictures. i must have put it on some wrong setting or something. whatever, i'll get to the bottom of it.
it's been snowing all day and isn't supposed to stop until tomorrow evening. i'll look like the Arnold after...
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I was reading today that less than 10% of blind people can actually read Braille. It's attributed mainly to advanced technology like the software that reads text aloud and so forth.

I found this to be a bit startling. I guess it makes sense since this is the digital age and all, but a whole language devoted to helping people in a certain situation is...
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I have yet to devote much time to this site, mainly cuz the membership was given to me anonymously. can't argue with that now can we? until i can figure out how to upload pictures i'm sure no one will pay attention anyway.

i'm currently in the process of moving into my apt in Astoria and will be working at a new restaurant opening in...
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